Associated Press Wants RIAA Case Webcast

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes “The Associated Press, The New York Times, and other major news organizations have gone to court to fight the RIAA over its attempt to thwart a court order which ruled that a hearing in SONY BMG Music v. Tenenbaum could be streamed over the internet. The news organizations agreed with Judge Gertner, the district judge who’d granted the order, arguing : ‘It is hard to imagine a hearing more deserving of public scrutiny through the same technological medium that is at the heart of this litigation’. As soon as I get a copy of the actual brief I will upload it and link to it. Another amicus brief opposing the RIAA’s attempt to reverse Judge Gertner was filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and other First Amendment proponents and is already available online [PDF].”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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