After years of hostility, lawsuits, police raids and heated invective between the two groups, the Pirate Bay has today announced they have settled their differences with US media conglomerate Warner Bros. The largest BitTorrent tracker sold out to Hollywood and the two have agreed a deal.
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As far as we can tell, the guy who’s going to be taking over MySpace along with the rest of News Corp.’s digital assets doesn’t actually use the site itself.
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A brave traveller has made it all the way to New Zealand without buying a single ticket along the way. Paul Smith – dubbed the Twitchhiker – made the 11,000-mile trip using only donations from people who use the social networking site Twitter.
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An article showcasing 15 Great CSS Galleries, whether looking for inspiration or galleries to submit to this is a good source of info.
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eldavojohn writes “A bill introduced today, similar to one that died in 2007, would reform the plague of National Security Letters and greatly narrow their scope. On top of that, it would mandate the destruction of any wrongly obtained information discovered in audits by the Inspector General that uncovered widespread improprieties in NSLs.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Karate Sid writes “An Irish adult website has blogged about the Irish domain registry banning adult domain names, including and The IEDR’s reasoning is that the words ‘porn’ and ‘pornography’ are offensive and immoral. Of interest is how took legal action against the IEDR — and proved that neither word is offensive — yet still lost the case, as the IEDR are the highest authority in Ireland when it comes to deciding what is and isn’t an offensive domain.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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LateNiteTV sends in news of a “kill pill” from LM Ericsson AB that a wireless carrier could use to remotely disable a subsidized netbook if the customer doesn’t pay the monthly bill or cancels their credit card. “…the Swedish company that makes many of the modems that go into laptops announced Tuesday that its new modem will deal with [the nonpayment] issue by including a feature that’s virtually a wireless repo man. If the carrier has the stomach to do so, it can send a signal that completely disables the computer, making it impossible to turn on. … Laptop makers that use Ericsson modules include LG Electronics Inc., Dell Inc., Toshiba Corp., and Lenovo.” The feature could also be used to lock thieves out of the data on a stolen laptop.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Verizon Communications Inc. and AT&T Inc. may have this response to the U.S. government’s offer of .2 billion for high-speed Internet projects: Keep it.
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Defining the best Linux distros is like defining the best car–one does not exist; instead, the best cars are the ones that meet your needs, and your needs may vary wildly from the needs of another person. Just as an F150 might be the best vehicle for you and a Civic for me, Ubuntu might be what you need from Linux while I’ll be fine with DSL.
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In what must appear like a lifetime to his loyal fans, the popular DVD ripper aXXo hasn’t uploaded any torrents for three weeks. As always, rumors surface that claim to explain the hiatus. Has aXXo been arrested, or transferred to one of the MPAA’s covert detention facilities?
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