Looking Back At Far Cry 2
Gamasutra has an interview with Ubisoft’s Patrick Redding about the development of Far Cry 2. He explains his team’s reasoning behind some of the decisions they made while trying to innovate in the very well-established first-person shooter genre. Ubisoft is also trying to crowdsource a guide for the game. “We don’t want to be necessarily spoon-feed everything to people, because that gets insulting. It’s also tiresome if you’re constantly interrupting them to remind them things about that system. I like to learn things through trial and error, and I know a lot of players are like that. But accessibility isn’t just about it being easy to pick up the controls. It’s also making sure that you’re supporting a certain kind of readability, giving the player a certain kind of feedback. Maybe the way to put it is that it might be less a function of the kind of low-level mechanics of the game at the control level, and more about how you’re using the output of the game as good feedback for the player, so they at least are clear on the causal link between what they’re doing and what’s happening.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.