Jan 31 2009

Dissecting Apple’s "Multitouch" Patent: Can It Stop Palm?

The iPhone’s multitouch patents are the equivalent of a cold war nuclear arsenal—dormant for now, but Palm’s Pre is looking for a fight. Here’s why we think Apple’s multitouch monopoly won’t last.


Jan 31 2009

What ? High Hormone Levels In Women May Lead To Infidelity ?

Women with high levels of the sex hormone oestradiol may engage in opportunistic mating, according to a new study by psychology researchers at The University of Texas at Austin.


Jan 31 2009

Why You Should Mute The TV Before You Pick Up the Phone

Or, keep Reservoir Dogs cued up at all times in case somebody calls.


Jan 31 2009

Is there a Planet X?

If we know enough to say the solar system is a filigree construction, we might reasonably assume we know where all its bits are. But lurking in the solar system’s dark recesses, rumour has it, is an unsighted world – Planet X, a frozen body perhaps as large as Mars, or even Earth.


Jan 31 2009

Richest Americans’ Income Doubled as Tax Rate Slashed

The average tax rate paid by the richest 400 Americans fell by a third to 17.2 percent through the first six years of the Bush administration and their average income doubled to 3.3 million, new IRS data show.


Jan 31 2009

Michelle Obama bans daughters from mixing with celebrities

Michelle Obama, America’s First Lady, has banned celebrity socialising for her daughters Malia and Sasha as she attempts to forge a normal family life in the White House


Jan 31 2009

Excessive chatting on Facebook can lead to depression

Girls can be prone to anxiety and depression by talking too much to their friends through texting, email and social networking sites such as Facebook.


Jan 31 2009

We. Are. Not. Amused. Period.

“Five bighorn sheep slung from a helicopter and being transplanted to Desolation Canyon” in Utah, USA, on 15 January 2009. Photographer: Brad Crompton, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources


Jan 31 2009

Kevin Spacey Pulls Trigger For Film

He and Producer Dana Brunetti discuss their website for emerging filmmakers


Jan 31 2009

Amazing Chemicals Invented by Nature, Rebuilt in Lab

Many researchers enjoy the challenge of building complicated molecules from scratch in their laboratories, testing their skills in service of a worthwhile goal. Duplicating Mother Nature isn’t easy, and sometimes the journey is almost as impressive as the chemicals themselves.
