Feb 26 2009

Australian Internet Censorship Plan Torpedoed

An anonymous reader writes “The Australian Government’s plan to introduce mandatory internet censorship has been scuttled, following an independent senator’s decision to join the Greens and Opposition in blocking any legislation needed to start the scheme. Anti-Gambling Senator Nick Xenophon previously supported the filter because it could also block gambling web sites, but today withdrew support saying ‘the more evidence that’s come out, the more questions there are on this.’ This week surveys found only less than 10% of Australians supported the censorship. Censorship Senator Stephen Conroy has consistently ignored advice from technical experts saying the filters would slow the internet, block legitimate sites, be easily bypassed and fall short of capturing all of the nasty content available online. Conroy expanded the list to block Adult R18+ and X18+ web sites, and this week said it would also block sites depicting drug use, crime, sex, cruelty, violence or ‘revolting and abhorrent phenomena’ that ‘offend against the standards of morality.’ Last week an anti-abortion website was added to the blacklist, and Conroy said he was considering expanding the blacklist to 10,000 sites and beyond.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 26 2009

The Future of Google Chrome

TRNick writes “Lars Bak, who heads up development of Google Chrome’s cornerstone javascript engine, talks about why Google is so focused on in-browser javascript performance, the role Chrome has played in driving up javascript performance in other browsers, and why it’s taking so long to introduce support for third-party extensions. ‘The web is becoming an integral part of the computer and the basic distinction between the OS and the browser doesn’t matter very much any more,’ he says.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 26 2009

NASA Contest To Name ISS Module

Solarch writes “NASA is holding a contest to name ISS Node 3. Being a Browncoat myself, I should hope that the choice of names would be obvious. As of the 7:30 PM EST on 2/25, the name Serenity has over 80% of the vote. From the site: ‘Node 3 will connect to the port side of the Unity Node and will provide room for many of the station’s life support systems, in the form of eight refrigerator-sized racks. After Node 3 is installed, the station’s crew will transfer over many of the Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) currently stored in various places around the station.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 26 2009

Nintendo Asks For Government Help To Fight Piracy

Nintendo, in its annual report to the USPTO, has requested help in dealing with piracy overseas, both from the US government and from several other countries in particular. China, Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, and Paraguay are listed as the greatest contributing nations to piracy of the company’s products. Nintendo suggests, for example, that “Chinese customs officials must stop shipments of game copiers and other infringing products out of China, and China should work in the coming year to eliminate barriers to its enforcement laws,” and that “the Spanish government implement laws protecting the creative copyright industry and enact laws against Internet piracy.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 26 2009

UK Politician Criticised For Using Hotmail

nk497 writes “The UK justice secretary Jack Straw has been criticised for using Hotmail as his official government email account after he apparently fell foul of a Nigerian spammer in a phishing attack. A security researcher said using such an account not only left the government in security trouble, but meant any emails sent could not be necessarily accessed via the Freedom of Information Act.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 26 2009

Crocodiles With Frickin’ Magnets Attached to Their Heads

Brickwall writes “Florida, faced with a problem of crocodiles returning to residential neighborhoods after being relocated elsewhere, is trying to solve it by affixing magnets to the crocs’ heads. The theory is the crocodiles use the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation, and the magnets may interfere with that. What I’d like to know is, whose job is it to put the magnets on?” So far the magnet program appears to be working, unfortunately the crocs have started to collect huge amounts of take-out menus and child artwork.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 26 2009

Photoshop update fixes slowdowns, crashes

One Wacom tablet issue works better, and some bugs involving slowdowns, 3D textures, and layers have been stomped out.


Feb 26 2009

Microsoft To Start Shipping Windows 7 In September 2009

Microsoft could have Windows 7 on shipping PCs by September, Compal president Ray Chen said today at an investor’s conference. The PC contractor executive understands from plans that the software should be available in either late September or early October.


Feb 26 2009

Jobs Coming Back to Apple in June

An Apple investor asked the question every at the company’s annual shareholder meeting wanted answered.


Feb 26 2009

Screenshot Tour: A Hands On Look at Safari 4’s Eye Candy

If Apple knows how to do anything, it’s take tech you’ve already seen and make it flashier and more fun to use. The new Safari 4 public beta is no exception.
