Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone
Use Your IPhone To Get Out of A Ticket
An anonymous reader writes to tell us that Parkingticket.com just announced new compatibility with the Safari web browser on Apple’s iPhone, giving you new tools to immediately contest a parking ticket. The site is so confident in their service that if all steps are followed and the ticket is still not dismissed they will pay towards your ticket. “The process begins by navigating the iPhone’s Safari browser to the Parkingticket.com website where you’ll find a straightforward means to fight a parking ticket; whether the ticket was issued in New York City, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia or Washington, D.C. Simply register for a free account and choose the city in which the ticket was issued. Enter your ticket and vehicle details then answer a few quick questions. The detailed process takes about ten minutes, from A-Z. To allow easy entry of your ticket, a look-a-like parking ticket is displayed – for your specific city – with interactive functionality.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Wife of Harried Pirate Bay Witness Gets Buried in Internet Love
treqie writes “During the trial of pirate bay yesterday, a professor (Roger Wallis) took the witness stand. He told the court things that the prosecutors did not want to hear. The prosecutors then tried to discredit both him and his team’s work in the area, as well as his title, it was a real spectacle. In the end, the judge asked if he wanted compensation for being there — he replied that he did not want anything, but they could send flowers to his wife. Many listening online heard, and began sending her flowers, from all over the world. As of this submission, the sum is over 40,000 SEK worth of flowers. There’s even a Facebook group for it.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
How To Hijack an EU Open Source Strategy Paper
Glyn Moody writes “Thanks to the indispensable Wikileaks, we have the opportunity to see how an organization close to Microsoft is attempting to re-write — and hijack — an important European Union open source strategy paper, currently being drawn up. Analyzing before and after versions visible in the document demonstrates how the Association for Competitive Technology, a lobbying group partially funded by Microsoft, is trying to widen the scope of open source to include ‘mixed solutions blending open and proprietary code.'” And reader Elektroschock adds some detail on EU processes: “The European Commission lets ACT and CompTIA participate in all working groups of the European Open Source Strategy, which defines Europe’s future open source approach. A blue editor questions the objectives: ‘Regarding the “Europe Digital Independence” our [working] group thinks it is, in general, not an issue.’ ‘European digital independence’ is a phrase coined by EU Commissioner V. Reding, that is what her European Software Strategy was supposed to be about. She didn’t reveal that lobbyists or vendors with vested interests would write the strategy for the Commission.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Open Source In Public K-12 Schools?
MissMachine writes “I’m a computer science major who has been recently getting involved in local grassroots politics in my county and state. I’ve been discussing the idea with some of my state legislatures of submitting a couple of resolutions, opening up to the idea of switching to open source software in our state’s K-12 schools. I’m looking for more information/literature about this topic, open source solutions in public K-12 education, pros and cons, studies that prove or disprove many of the assumptions of open source and linux in public schools. Any help in this field?”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
First Impressions of the Neuros Link
DeviceGuru writes “Having recently constructed the BoxeeBox, DeviceGuru blogger Rick Lehrbaum naturally was eager to check out Neuros Technology’s somewhat similar IP-TV set-top box. Lehrbaum’s first-impressions review of the Neuros Link describes the device’s hardware and Ubuntu-based software, shows screenshots of its functionality, identifies a handful of weak spots, offers some specific suggestions for improvement, and shares a few hacks (including adding an HDD and Boxee). All in all, he concludes, the Link’s hardware is more than worth its minimal 0 pricetag.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Top 10 browser features
Microsoft Brings 36 New Features To Windows 7
Barence writes “Microsoft has unveiled a slew of new features that will appear in the Release Candidate of Windows 7 that didn’t make an appearance in the beta. ‘We’ve been quite busy for the past two months or so working through all the feedback we’ve received on Windows 7,’ explains Steven Sinofsky, lead engineer for Windows 7 in his blog. A majority of these features are user interface tweaks, but they should add up to a much smoother Windows 7 experience.” In separate news, Technologizer reports on Microsoft’s contingency plan, should things not go well in EU antitrust, to slip Win7 to January.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.