Which Distro For an Eee PC?

An anonymous reader writes “I’ve got an Eee PC 1000HD, and frankly, I can’t stand XP. I know it’s odd, because I actually like Vista, but XP is such a giant piece of crap on here that I struggle to use it day-by-day. Anyway, my question is this: which Linux distro should I run on it? Plain Ubuntu just doesn’t have driver support. I tried Ubuntu-eee, which, to put it bluntly, does not work for me at all (slow, terrible battery life, even worse interface). I’ve heard that Jaunty Jackalope is going to have better netbook support, but that’s all the way in April! Is there a distro out now that will free me from XP’s terribleness without being terrible itself?” Getting wireless working on an Eee PC (though in my experience imperfectly) with stock Ubuntu is possible; for me it took some googling, though I’ve been told with great enthusiasm that it actually works “out of the box.” What distros are you running on your netbook, and what problems do you find?

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