Is Salacious Content Driving E-Book Sales?
narramissic writes “Having already abandoned ebooks once, Barnes & Noble is jumping back into ebooks with the purchase this week of ebook seller Fictionwise. Why is the format suddenly hot? Look no further than the top 10 Fictionwise bestsellers, says blogger Peter Smith. Once again it seems like ‘porn is blazing a path to a new media format. Of the top 10 bestsellers under the ‘Multiformat’ category, nine are tagged ‘erotica’ and the last is ‘dark fantasy.’ Need more proof that folks (let’s take a leap and call them women) who read ‘bodice rippers’ like the privacy of ebooks? Author Samantha Lucas (who writes for publishers like Cobblestone Press and Siren Publishing) tells Smith that she sells almost all of her novels in ebook format.”
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