Red Hat CEO Questions Relevance of Desktop Linux
snydeq writes “Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst questioned the relevance of Linux on the desktop, citing several financial and interoperability hurdles to business adoption at a panel on end-users and Linux last night at the OSBC. ‘First of all, I don’t know how to make money on it,’ Whitehurst said, adding that he was uncertain how relevant the desktop itself will be in five years given advances in cloud-based and smartphone computing, as well as VDI. ‘The concept of a desktop is kind of ridiculous in this day and age. I’d rather think about skating to where the puck is going to be than where it is now.’ Despite increasing awareness that desktop Linux is ready for widespread mainstream adoption, fellow panelists questioned the practicality of switching to Linux, noting that even some Linux developers prefer Macs to Linux. ‘There’s a desire [to use desktop Linux],’ one panelist said, ‘but practicality sets in. There are significant barriers to switching.'”
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