What an IBM-Sun Merger Might Mean For Java, MySQL, Developers
An IBM-Sun merger is a tantalyzing possibility; snydeq writes “Fatal Exception’s Neil McAllister suggests that an IBM/Sun merger could crown Big Blue king of enterprise software development. ‘Acquiring Sun would make IBM the clear leader in Java, as it would become the caretaker of the open source reference implementation of the JRE,’ which, along with GlassFish, would become entry-level gateways to IBM’s WebSphere stack. Moreover, MySQL would give IBM’s database division a significant entry-level hook, and NetBeans/Eclipse would unify IBM’s front against Visual Studio. ‘All in all, this move would solidify IBM’s role as “the developer company,”‘ McAllister writes. ‘In other words, if this merger goes through and you’re an enterprise developer and you’re not an IBM customer now, get ready — because you soon will be. Better bring your wallet.'” And blackbearnh writes with a short interview with Brian Aker (who came to Sun as MySQL’s director of architecture, and is now the lead for MySQL fork Drizzle) about what life would be like under Big Blue’s control.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.