California Family Fights For Privacy, Relief From Cyber-Harassment

theodp writes “Just days after his daughter Nikki’s death in a devastating car crash, real-estate agent Christos Catsouras clicked open an e-mail that appeared to be a property listing. Onto his screen popped his daughter’s bloodied face, captioned with the words ‘Woohoo Daddy! Hey daddy, I’m still alive.’ Now he and his wife are attempting to stop strangers from displaying the grisly images of their daughter — an effort that has transformed Nikki’s death into a case about privacy, cyber-harassment and image control. The images of Nikki, including one of her nearly-decapitated head drooping out the shattered car window, were taken as a routine part of a fatal accident response and went viral after being leaked by two CHP dispatchers. ‘Putting these photos on the Internet,’ says the family’s attorney, ‘was akin to placing them in every mailbox in the world.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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