Closing Time At Microsoft’s Campus Pub

theodp writes “Just three days before the Spitfire pub was to open on Microsoft’s Entertainment & Devices Division campus, TechFlash reports that Microsoft got cold feet and pulled the plug on the project, leaving the bar’s owner and his 22 employees in the lurch. ‘I am completely stunned and disappointed by the decision,’ said now lease-less owner Jonathan Sposato, who’s stuck with space built out as a pub, complete with a giant bar, a fireplace, and eight beer taps. (He says it wouldn’t be economically viable to refit it as a restaurant.) Microsoft spokesman Lou Gellos confirmed the company’s sudden change of heart: ‘The goal was always to create a cool gathering place for employees, but to do so in a manner that’s consistent with a business environment. We decided we should do something more appropriate, and that meant not having a pub.’ The new pub had been in development for more than a year.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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