CloudLeft Public License Closes User Data Loophole

FreedomFighter writes “In a Cloud Standards breakthrough, the FSF is teaming up with major cloud computing vendors to form the Free and Open Cloud Alliance (FOCA), a trade marketing association supporting Free(TM) and Open Cloud Computing (FOCC). The new CloudLeft Public License (CPL) is based on the ideas that data wants to be Free(TM) and all your Cloud(TM) are belong to us. It closes the ‘user data loophole’ by requiring the release of not only the source code for a CloudLeft platform but also the data passing through it. This renders most security issues void while appropriately setting the users’ expectation of privacy. ‘In the past, I’ve said that “cloud” is complete gibberish, but while discussing fashion during my weekly squash game with Stallman he convinced me that this was a great opportunity.’ said Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle. RMS, who previously said that ‘cloud’ is worse than stupidity was also pleased about the return of the advertising clause, requiring the use of the ‘GNU/Cloud’ name, as he is ‘tired of haranguing the GNU/Linux community about this.’ Full details will be available next Monday, including the first marketing and outreach program — ‘FOCC: IT in 2009.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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