What If Oracle Bought Sun Microsystems?

snydeq writes “Fatal Exception’s Neil McAllister believes Oracle is next in line to make a play for Sun now that IBM has withdrawn its offer. Dismissing server market arguments in favor of Cisco or Dell as suitors, McAllister suggests that MySQL, ZFS, DTrace, and Java make Sun an even better asset to Oracle than to IBM. MySQL as a complement to Oracle’s existing database business would make sense, given Oracle’s 2005 purchase of Innobase, and with ‘the long history of Oracle databases on Solaris servers, it might actually see owning Solaris as an asset,’ McAllister writes. But the ‘crown jewel’ of the deal would be Java. ‘It’s almost impossible to overestimate the importance of Java to Oracle. Java has become the backbone of Oracle’s middleware strategy,’ McAllister contends.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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