Best Windows Hotkey
I found a couple new windows hotkeys that I don’t think I’ve ever used before. Decided to put up a poll to see what most people use on a day to day basis. All the useful windows hotkeys with explanations are right under the poll.

CTRL and A Select All
CTRL and C Copy
CTRL and F Find
CTRL and G Go To
CTRL and N New
CTRL and O Open
CTRL and P Print
CTRL and S Save
CTRL and V Paste
CTRL and X Cut
CTRL and Z Undo
CTRL and F4 Close
CTRL+ESC Start menu
ALT+ENTER View Properties
ALT+F4 Close Item
ALT+SPACEBAR Open Shortcut Menu
ALT+TAB Switch Programs
ALT+ESC Cycle Through Programs
F1 key Help
F2 key Rename in Windows Explorer
F3 key Search (Same as CTRL and F)
F4 key Display Address Bar
F5 key Update/Refresh
F10 key Activate Menu Bar
Windows Key Display or hide the Start menu
Windows Key+BREAK Display the System Properties dialog box
Windows Key+D Display the desktop
Windows Key+M Minimize all of the windows
Windows Key+SHIFT+M Restore the minimized windows
Windows Key+E Open My Computer
Windows Key+F Search for a file or a folder
Windows Key+CTRL+F Search for computers
Windows Key+F1 Display Windows Help
Windows Key+ L Lock the keyboard
Windows Key+R Open the Run dialog box
Windows Key+U Open Utility Manager
TAB Move forward through the options
SHIFT+TAB Move backward through the options
CTRL+TAB Move forward through the tabs
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Move backward through the tabs
If I missed any then let me know
May 23rd, 2009 at
Well, since most of these are application-specific hotkeys, not Windows hotkeys, I’d have to say the majority of this list is invalid. Just because most applications accept Ctrl-F as “Find”, doesn’t mean that it’s part of Windows.
The Windows Key ones really do belong to Windows. Some clarification: Win+L locks the computer, not just the keyboard. Not to be picky, but it’s Win+Pause, not Win+Break that opens system properties. The key itself is Pause – Break is the key modified with Ctrl.
If you google windows hotkeys, you’ll find hundreds of lists out there with the ones that you missed, like Win+B, Win+Tab, and one I’ve found very useful, the old-fashioned PrintScreen button.
May 23rd, 2009 at
Some are application specific but these are global among all applications. There are a lot of hotkeys out there for windows that I didn’t include. That is why I named it “Best Windows Hotkey” as opposed to “Every Windows Hotkey That You Can Possibly Find”. Can you imagine the huge poll that that would require. I know about the hundreds of lists…Do you really think I typed all that?
May 23rd, 2009 at
Nice list. I doubt the results of the poll would be that interesting, but a pdf/png cheat sheet might be :).
May 28th, 2009 at
What about Shift+Ctrl F10 for the right click menu? (predates the windows key)
Also, Ctrl-F10 — closes a document in an application — a tab in a browser, or a source file in an editor with multiple files open.