Employee (Almost) Chronicles Sun’s Top Ten Failures
Business and Open Source pundit Matt Asay picked up on a recent attempt by Sun’s Dan Baigent to chronicle the ten largest failures that took the tech giant from a 0 billion peak valuation to the recent buyout by Oracle for a mere .4 billion. Unfortunately, Dan only made it to number three on his list before Sun pulled the plug. How long will it take corporate overlords until they finally realize that broad level censorship and trying to control the message are far more harmful than just becoming part of the discourse? “I find that I tend to learn much more from my failures than from my successes. I’d be grateful for the chance to learn from Sun’s, too. Sun, please let Baigent continue his countdown. It allows Sun to constructively chronicle its own failings, rather than allowing others to do so in less generous terms.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.