Ray Kurzweil’s Vision of the Singularity, In Movie Form

destinyland writes “AI researcher Ben Goertzel peeks at the new Ray Kurzweil movie (Transcendent Man), and gives it ‘two nano-enhanced cyberthumbs way, way up!’ But in an exchange with Kurzweil after the screening, Goertzel debates the post-human future, asking whether individuality can survive in a machine-augmented brain. The documentary covers radical futurism, but also includes alternate viewpoints. ‘Would I build these machines, if I knew there was a strong chance they would destroy humanity?’ asks evolvable hardware researcher Hugo de Garis. His answer? ‘Yeah.'” Note, the movie is about Kurzweil and futurism, not by Kurzweil.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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