An anonymous reader writes “The US is blaming Canada in a new report that claims that Canadian copyright and intellectual property laws are as bad as those found in China and Russia. Michael Geist notes that Canadian officials have dismissed these findings in the past, arguing it ‘does not recognize the Special 301 process due to its lacking of reliable and objective analysis.'” (Read more about the annual Special 301 report.)

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Hugh Pickens writes “European antitrust regulators, who have been aggressively pursuing what they see as anticompetitive practices among technology companies, could impose their largest fine ever in a market-dominance case against Intel. The commission began investigating Intel in 2000 after Advanced Micro Devices, its arch-rival, filed a complaint. In two sets of charges, in 2007 and 2008, the commission accused Intel of abusing its dominant position in chips by giving large rebates to computer makers, by paying computer makers to delay or cancel product lines, and by offering chips for server computers at prices below actual cost. Some legal experts speculate that Intel’s fine could reach about a billion euros, or .3B. ‘I’d be surprised if the fine isn’t as high or higher than in the Microsoft case,’ said an antitrust and competition lawyer in London. In 2004 Microsoft paid a fine of €497M, or 3M at current exchange rates, after being accused of abusing its dominance; the EU imposed another .3B fine in Feb. 2008.”

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edadams sends in a story about the legal questions that are starting to crop up over property disputes in virtual worlds. A lawsuit in March 2008 that stopped one Second Life user from selling a virtual product created by another user marked the beginning of a significant amount of casework for several law firms, in large part due to the way Second Life’s currency interacts closely with real money. (And yes, apparently the product in that particular case was for cybersex — did you have to ask?) “As transactions grow in volume, it’s inevitable that disagreements will crop up. Linden says that although it will enforce its terms of service, including its ban on violating other users’ intellectual property, it can’t settle most disputes for users.” A lawyer for one intellectual property firm handled a case in which the co-ownership of virtual real estate had to be determined, ending with a financial settlement given to two users who helped a virtual land developer run a group of Second Life islands. As virtual worlds get more popular and their business models more directly affect real-life finances, we can expect these legal issues to become more common as well.

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theodp writes “As GE, Google, Intel, IBM, Microsoft and others pile into the business of computerized medical files in a stimulus-fueled frenzy, BusinessWeek reminds us that electronic health records have a dubious history. Under the federal stimulus program, hospitals can get several million dollars apiece for tech purchases over the next five years, and individual doctors can receive up to ,000. There’s also a stick: The feds will cut Medicare reimbursement for hospitals and practices that don’t go electronic by 2015. But does the high cost and questionable quality of products currently on the market explain why barely 1 in 50 hospitals have a comprehensive electronic records system, and why only 17% of physicians use any type of electronic records? Joe Bugajski’s chilling The Data Model That Nearly Killed Me suggests that may be the case.”

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If the program designed by I.B.M. can beat human contestants, the field of artificial intelligence will have made a leap forward.
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longacre writes “I.B.M. plans to announce Monday that it is in the final stages of completing a computer program to compete against human ‘Jeopardy!’ contestants. If the program beats the humans, the field of artificial intelligence will have made a leap forward. … The team is aiming not at a true thinking machine but at a new class of software that can ‘understand’ human questions and respond to them correctly. Such a program would have enormous economic implications. … The proposed contest is an effort by I.B.M. to prove that its researchers can make significant technical progress by picking “grand challenges” like its early chess foray. The new bid is based on three years of work by a team that has grown to 20 experts in fields like natural language processing, machine learning and information retrieval. … Under the rules of the match that the company has negotiated with the ‘Jeopardy!’ producers, the computer will not have to emulate all human qualities. It will receive questions as electronic text. The human contestants will both see the text of each question and hear it spoken by the show’s host, Alex Trebek. … Mr. Friedman added that they were also thinking about whom the human contestants should be and were considering inviting Ken Jennings, the ‘Jeopardy!’ contestant who won 74 consecutive times and collected .52 million in 2004.”

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AshboryBassPlayer writes “Ugobe has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy — i.e., not reorganization but liquidation. We first discussed the company’s Pleo robotic dinosaur toy in 2006. According to the company, 100,000 Pleos were sold in 2008. CEO Caleb Chung is optimistic about the auction value of intellectual property that Ugobe holds. Pleo featured 14 servo joints, a camera, and an SD Card for storage. The final street prices were commonly between 5 and 0, much higher than an earlier hoped-for price point under 0.”

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An anonymous reader sends us to Popular Science for a long article on the loose, uncoordinated bands of patriotic Chinese hackers that seem to be responsible for much of the cyber-trouble emerging from that nation. QUoting: “For years, the U.S. intelligence community worried that China’s government was attacking our cyber-infrastructure. Now one man has discovered it’s more than that: it’s hundreds of thousands of everyday Chinese civilians. … Jack Linchuan Qiu, a communications professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong [says:] ‘Chinese hackerism is not the American “hacktivism” that wants social change. It’s actually very close to the state. The Chinese distinction between the private and public domains is very small.’ … According to [James Andrew Lewis, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies], ‘The government at a minimum tolerates them. Sometimes it encourages them. And sometimes it tasks them and controls them.’ In the end, he says, ‘it’s easy for the government to turn on and hard to turn off.'”

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CWmike writes “Advanced Micro Devices on Thursday introduced the latest member of its Phenom II X4 family of high-performance quad-core CPUs, which the No. 2 chip maker said it had run as fast as 7 GHz in extreme overclocking tests. Out of the box, the new X4 955 Black Edition, which is aimed at gamers and hobbyists, runs at 3.2 GHz, giving it similar performance to Intel’s fastest desktop chips at lower cost, AMD says. The company was able to more than double the CPU’s speed during its tests using extreme cooling technology that is not safe at home, said Brent Barry, an AMD product manager. The Web site Ripping.org notes that hobbyists with early access to the X4 955 chip have been able to clock it at up to 6.7 GHz. AMD said the chip was safe with fan cooling at up to 3.8 GHz.”

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Mohamed Zaian writes “Canonical, the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu, announced today that Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition is free to download from Thursday 23 April. Also announced were the simultaneous releases of Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition and Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix (UNR) Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition delivers a range of feature enhancements to improve the user experience. Shorter boot speeds, some as short as 25 seconds, ensure faster access to a full computing environment on most desktop, laptop and netbook models. Enhanced suspend-and-resume features also give users more time between charges along with immediate access after hibernation. Intelligent switching between Wi-Fi and 3G environments has been broadened to support more wireless devices and 3G cards, resulting in a smoother experience for most users.”

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