Jan 31 2009

Stanford Uni writes world’s smallest letters

The world might be going to hell in a handbasket but it’s good to know that physics students are still working hard on important scientific breakthroughs – like writing their names really, really small.


Jan 31 2009

[APOD] Supernova Remnant [PIC]


Jan 31 2009

Google flags entire internet as malware

Google flags entire internet as malwareFound this as i was googling (see link below). Techcrunch reports this breaking newshttp://www.google.co.in/search?q=colormailer&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a


Jan 31 2009

NFL’s Super Bowl IT team gets ready for game day

The National Football League is fielding three teams for Sunday’s Super Bowl. The first two are well known: the Pittsburgh Steelers and Arizona Cardinals. The third, more anonymous one is the 17-member IT staff that the NFL has assigned to work in Tampa, Fla., the site of this year’s game.


Jan 31 2009

Sorry Superman but Herko is in LOVE with me!

It’s the monster that LOVED Lois Lane! By the way check out that lamp post engagement ring — pretty romantic for a monster from another dimension, no? This cover is from Lois Lane #54 from January 1964.


Jan 31 2009

The paradox of temptation

Does the mere availability of something tempting weaken the will to resist? The answer is of more than theoretical interest to public health experts, and the problem goes far beyond serious addictive disorders.


Jan 31 2009

FDA Holds Safety Hearing On 50-Year-Old Painkiller

Call it the cold case file of drug safety. Federal health officials convened a public hearing Friday on whether to ban Darvon, a painkiller first approved in 1957, when there were few alternatives for treating pain except aspirin and powerful narcotics. Now mainly marketed as Darvocet, which includes a dose of acetaminophen, the drug remains one


Jan 31 2009

The Top 10 Social Networks for Generation-Y

With thousands of social networks globally, only a handful of them cater specifically to a special group of individuals, known as Generation-Y. Also known as Gen-Y or millennials, Generation-Y are individuals born between 1980 and 1995, at a volume of 80 million strong.


Jan 31 2009

Obama Advisor Provides Most Nerd-Tastic Daily Show Clip Ever

How can P.W. Singer — robotic science author and the Obama campaign’s Defense Policy Task Force coordinator — possibly appeal more so to the geeks inside all of us? How about a random Microsoft slap down?


Jan 31 2009

Microsoft on Intel’s Anti-Linux: “This is a Nightmare”

Microsoft’s dirty secrets about a fight against GNU/Linux at Intel are finally revealed
