Battlestar Galactica: The Timeline
Are Those Obama’s Hands?
New PECL extension libmemcached released
Dolphins prepare food like chefs before eating
Windows 7 To Skip Straight To a Release Candidate
b8fait writes “The head of Microsoft Corp.’s Windows development confirmed that Windows 7 will take the unusual path of moving straight from a single beta, which was launched earlier this month, to a release candidate. Sinofsky fleshed out the plan today and hinted that just as there would be no Beta 2, the company would also not provide a RC2 build. In other words, there may be only one released build of Windows 7 before it ships, possibly much sooner than even some of the most aggressive rumors about Windows 7. How much different can Windows 7 really be with such a shortened beta cycle?”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Senate Passes Another Bill To Delay Digital TV Transition
An anonymous reader tips news that the US Senate has passed another bill to delay the transition to digital TV. This is the second such bill to pass the Senate; the first was narrowly defeated in the House. The new version has an important difference — it would allow the transition to take place gradually over the four-month period between the original transition date (February 17th) and the extended date (June 12th). TV stations around the country could choose when they wanted to make the change, allowing those who have already begun plans to stop analog transmission to continue their shut-down operations.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
Google Search Flagging Everything As Potentially Harmful
dowlingw writes “It looks like for the moment at least, all Google results are failing the malware checks and being listed with a warning ‘This site may harm your computer,’ including all pages from Google themselves. Users trying to visit pages at search results will only be able to proceed via manual manipulation of the search result link to remove the Google click-through (which is also broken). Until Google fixes this bug, it looks Google web search is useless.” Update: 01/31 at 15:16 GMT by SS: The problem now appears to be fixed.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.