Comments Off on In Climate Debate, Exaggeration Is a Pitfall – New York Times | tags: 3G, google, japan, news, tv | posted in technical news
Comments Off on Editorial: Bemoaning Wii Sports Clones – GamePro.com | tags: games, google, news | posted in technical news
Red Hat’s Fedora is regaining its reputation as being a top Linux distribution. Here’s how it happened.
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The dead tree book will never die – I think it will even have more longevity and popularity than the boutique appreciation of vinyl records – but our generation will be the last to use “books” as our primary reading systems. Expect ebooks to hit colleges in perhaps five years and high schools and grade schools in about 7.
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This post is written for designer, developers, or anyone else who has struggled with testing their websites across multiple browsers.
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The Pirate Bay prosecutor altered the copyright-infringement charges Tuesday to make it easier to convict the four defendants who co-founded the world’s most notorious BitTorrent tracker. The prosecutor, Håkan Roswall, announced an alteration of the charges, which legal scholars suggested would make it more likely to win a conviction.
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By Nate Lanxon CNET UK Crave Proving itself a staggering 42 times faster at rendering JavaScript than IE 7, our benchmarks confirm Apple’s Safari 4 browser, released in beta Tuesday, is the fastest browser on the planet.
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You don’t have to search hard to find signs of the economic downturn. Just look at the newspaper, or your favorite website. But a new report on Americans’ search behavior by market research firm comScore emphasizes the FUD of Americans during this recession.
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Singularity Hub writes “The Fertility Institutes recently stunned the fertility community by being the first company to boldly offer couples the opportunity to screen their embryos not only for diseases and gender, but also for completely benign characteristics such as eye color, hair color, and complexion. The Fertility Institutes proudly claims this is just the tip of the iceberg, and plans to offer almost any conceivable customization as science makes them available. Even as couples from across the globe are flocking in droves to pay the company their life’s savings for a custom baby, opponents are vilifying the company for shattering moral and ethical boundaries. Like it or not, the era of designer babies is officially here and there is no going back.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Nakeot writes “On Friday, Sony plans to unveil their newest portable fuel-cell technology, aimed at a variety of mobile applications. From the article: "The system contains both a methanol fuel cell and a Li-on battery" and can "intelligently switch between power from the battery, fuel, or even both under high-draw circumstances." Sony intends to show off two models claimed to power your cell for a week or a month, respectively, as well as the latest developments with their sugar-batteries that can now run purely off your favorite cola beverage. This model builds on Sony’s 2008 model, their first commercially-demonstratable prototype, and could make waves with Sony’s OLED devices, but will Sony be able to avoid another battery recall?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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