Apr 27 2009

Game Developer Flirts With Pirates on BitTorrent Sites

The developer of a new Windows-based first person shooter game is leaving comments on torrent sites via the actual torrent uploader in attempt to reach out to those thinking of downloading the game. ACE Team, the developer of Zeno Clash, acknowledges that people might like to ‘try before they buy’ and says they will not try to stop piracy.


Apr 27 2009

Apple building YouTube support into Snow Leopard

Apple will further its endorsement of YouTube and open video standards by building support for the Google-owned video sharing service into one of its flagship applications due to ship later this summer as part of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.


Apr 27 2009

Military Enlists Open Source Community

jmwci1 writes “The US Defense Department is enlisting an open source approach to software development — an about-face for such a historically top-down organization. In recent weeks, the military has launched a collaborative platform called Forge.mil for its developers to share software, systems components and network services. The agency also signed an agreement with the Open Source Software Institute to allow 50 internally developed workforce management applications to be licensed to other government agencies, universities and companies.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 27 2009

Papers Sealed In Class Action Against RIAA

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes “In Andersen v. Atlantic Recording, the Oregon class action brought by Tanya Anderson against the RIAA, MediaSentry, and others, the plaintiff’s motion for class action certification has been sealed by the Court. Also, the Court conducted an ‘in camera’ conference with the defendants’ attorneys — meaning the Judge met with the defendants’ attorneys alone — in connection with a discovery motion, and the record of that conference has been sealed as well. The RIAA has made a motion to dismiss the class action; that has not been sealed. In case you’re wondering what’s going on here, so am I.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 27 2009

Researchers Make Paper Speakers For LCD TVs

narramissic writes “Engineers at Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) have developed stereo speakers in paper (video) that are are well suited for thin devices like LCD TVs and will be used in cars starting next year. According to an ITworld article, ‘The special paper is made by sandwiching thin electrodes that receive audio signals and a prepolarized diaphragm into the paper structure. A special Flexpeaker adapter between the MP3 player and the speaker is used to play music through the paper.’ ITRI says it hopes in the coming year to develop a chip that will do away with the adapter and allow people to plug a digital music player directly into the speaker. ITRI is also working on wireless technologies and will show off its first Bluetooth enabled paper speaker in July.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 27 2009

Air Force One Flyby Causes Brief Panic In NYC

pdclarry writes “A Boeing 747 that serves as an Air Force One backup and two F-16 fighters escorting it caused a brief panic among office workers at the World Financial Center in lower Manhattan this morning, as large numbers evacuated the buildings. The incident was also spurred evacuations in Jersey City across the Hudson River from Manhattan.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 27 2009

Obama Says 3% of GDP Should Fund Science Research And Development

tritonman writes “Obama wants to set a goal that the US spend 3% of it’s GDP on scientific research and development. ‘I believe it is not in our character, American character, to follow — but to lead. And it is time for us to lead once again. I am here today to set this goal: we will devote more than 3 percent of our GDP to research and development,’ Obama said in a speech at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 27 2009

Health system prepares for swine flu – Toronto Star

New York Times

Health system prepares for swine flu
Toronto Star
Students wearing face masks gather on the campus of King's-Edgehill School in Windsor, NS on Monday, April 27, 2009. Health officials have reported that four students from the school have had a mild case of swine flu after a musical and cultural
Video: Bloomberg Confirms More Cases of Swine Flu The Associated Press
Swine flu symptoms spreading beyond Windsor, NS, campus CBC.ca
Bloomberg – The Canadian Press – BBC News – Reuters
all 25,490 news articles

Apr 27 2009

GM Canada will make further cuts to workforce, slash number of … – The Canadian Press

CTV Montreal

GM Canada will make further cuts to workforce, slash number of
The Canadian Press
TORONTO – General Motors Canada will slash its workforce by more than half by 2014 and close as many as 310 dealerships by the end of next year as part of a broad restructuring plan announced by the company Monday.
Canadian dollar little changed after GM cuts jobs, dealers Calgary Herald
GM Canada workforce to shrink significantly within 6 years CTV Montreal
Canadian HR Reporter – Reuters – Bloomberg – Market Wire (press release)
all 105 news articles

Apr 27 2009

Solicitor General van Dongen resigns over speeding tickets – Vancouver Sun

Globe and Mail

Solicitor General van Dongen resigns over speeding tickets
Vancouver Sun
John van Dongen: 'I am very busy and sometimes in too much of a hurry and I think some of the public can identify with that.'.
Van Dongen resigns over driving record The Province
BC solicitor general resigns over speeding tickets; still seeking Metro Canada – Calgary
Globe and Mail – CBC.ca – Canada.com – The Canadian Press
all 99 news articles