Slashdot Mentioned In Virginia Terrorism Report

megamerican alerted us to a leaked document (PDF) from a Virginia Fusion Center titled “2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment.” The document is marked as “Law Enforcement Sensitive,” not to be shown to public. Citizens for Legitimate Government has a write-up. Slashdot gets a mention on page 45 — not as a terrorist organization itself, but as one of the places that member of Anonymous may hang out: “A ‘loose coalition of Internet denizens,’ Anonymous consists largely of users from multiple internet sites such as 4chan, 711chan, 420chan, Something Awful, Fark, Encyclopedia Dramatica, Slashdot, IRC channels, and YouTube. Other social networking sites are also utilized to mobilize physical protests. … Anonymous is of interest not only because of the sentiments expressed by affiliates and their potential for physical protest, but because they have innovated the use of e-protests and mobilization. Given the lack of a unifying creed, this movement has the potential to inspire lone wolf behavior in the cyber realms.” According to the report, cell phones and digital music players have been used to transfer plans related to criminal activity, and therefore presumably could be grounds for suspicion. Podcasting is also suspicious.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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