Feb 23 2009

Linux : The Future Of Linux Desktop : co-Linux On Android.

We’re at the native Linux desktop, moving towards the Android desktop (netbooks coming soon). What would bridge those two environments, is to offer a second Linux sandbox which runs along with Android.


Feb 23 2009

Gnome, KDE, LXDE, IceWM All Working On Android

dooberrymctavish writes “Ghostwalker over at AndroidFanatic has gone and done it again; now he’s released clear and concise instructions on how to get X11 server running on your Android device. Not only that, but he has successfully gotten LXDE, and IceWM running at a pace. There is even a photo with the instructions showing the LXDE desktop running right there on the device itself. Apparently, you can also VNC straight onto the phone’s new desktop from your PC.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 20 2009

Shuttleworth Announces Karmic Koala

An anonymous reader writes to mention that Mark Shuttleworth has announced the next release in their horrible alliterative family, “Karmic Koala”. The new version hopes to include a newer, shinier, faster startup, better small screen support, a spruced up desktop look (no more brown), and many minor tweaks and updates. “A newborn Koala spends about six months in the family before it heads off into the wild alone. Sounds about perfect for an Ubuntu release plan! I’m looking forward to seeing many of you in Barcelona, and before that, at a Jaunty release party. Till then, cheers.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 20 2009

Apple drops 20-inch Cinema display, 30-inch may follow

Apple on Thursday discontinued its legacy 20-inch Cinema Display, reducing its external display offerings to just two options: it’s new LED-lit 23-inch display for notebooks and its legacy 30-inch display for desktops.


Feb 19 2009

The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC

You have to admit, Windows is a pretty barebones operating system, feature-wise. After a fresh install of XP or Vista (perhaps following a Clean Start), you’re faced with a barren Start Menu and an empty desktop that’s beaming with limitless potential.


Feb 18 2009

How Many Linux Users Are There (Really)?

Everyday FUD says that Linux market share is below 1%. We know this is incorrect, and it ignores different market segments such as mainframe, cluster, desktop, intranet server, embedded, and so forth. So how many Linux users are there? Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols attempts to take a headcount, and comes up with some surprising results.


Feb 17 2009

Netbooks killing off sickly Windows PC sales

PC sales are in free fall as the weak demand for Windows desktops and full-size notebooks in a poorly performing global economy is being compounded by an influx of low cost netbooks, which are gobbling up the remains of profitability in the PC industry.


Feb 17 2009

Netbooks killing off sickly Windows PC sales

PC sales are in free fall as the weak demand for Windows desktops and full-size notebooks in a poorly performing global economy is being compounded by an influx of low cost netbooks, which are gobbling up the remains of profitability in the PC industry.


Feb 16 2009

Linux : First Look: Elive E17 Compiz.

We’re talking about a distribution and its desktop environment that didn’t cross ways with Compiz. Until now. Yep, there is a special Elive E17 bundled with all the good 3D stuff. Knowing Elive’s reputation of being one of the most beautiful and stylish distributions out there, what can really go wrong if you combine two of Linux’s most valuable…


Feb 15 2009

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 released

The Debian Project is pleased to announce the official release of Debian GNU/Linux version 5.0 (codenamed Lenny) after 22 months of constant development. Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system which supports a total of twelve processor architectures and includes the KDE, GNOME, Xfce, and LXDE desktop environments.
