Zarf writes “Yesterday Google announced that the Google App Engine now supports Java development, and fast on the heels of the Java announcement is an announcement for Groovy support! Groovy is a dynamic programming language for the JVM that is a near super-set of Java. Much Java syntax is valid Groovy syntax, however, Groovy adds powerful meta-programming features, and the new functionality will bring these meta-programming features to App Engine development. Groovy got special attention from the SpringSource Groovy team and the Google App Engine Java team, and it was this collaboration that helped create the changes that were the big secret in the recent Groovy release of 1.6.1.”

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These are daily updated and cover a wide range of topics including inspiration, design trends, tutorials, interviews, website showcase, programming techniques and resources.
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mark0 writes “TiVo has announced the TiVo DVR-SuperAdvance. The PC World review says, ‘Familiar TiVo interface; DVR can record not-yet-broadcast programming; potentially useful as a wagering aid,’ though, ‘[it is] expensive; access to programming is limited; footage is displayed in standard definition only.'” Hopefully, TiVo will supply a review unit.

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Pickens writes “Jeff Atwood has an interesting post that begins by noting that with the Internet, whatever country you live in or language you speak, a growing percentage of the accumulated knowledge of the world can and should be available in your native language; but that the rules are different for programmers. ‘So much so that I’m going to ask the unthinkable: shouldn’t every software developer understand English?’ Atwood argues that ‘It’s nothing more than great hackers collectively realizing that sticking to English for technical discussion makes it easier to get stuff done. It’s a meritocracy of code, not language, and nobody (or at least nobody who is sane, anyway) localizes programming languages.’ Eric Raymond in his essay ‘How to be a Hacker’ says that functional English is required for true hackers and notes that ‘Linus Torvalds, a Finn, comments his code in English (it apparently never occurred to him to do otherwise). His fluency in English has been an important factor in his ability to recruit a worldwide community of developers for Linux. It’s an example worth following.’ Although it may sound like The Ugly American and be taken as a sort of cultural imperialism, ‘advocating the adoption of English as the de-facto standard language of software development is simple pragmatism, the most virtuous of all hacker traits,’ writes Atwood. ‘If that makes me an ugly American programmer, so be it.'”

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An anonymous reader writes “Zen and the Art of Programming published an article about MacRuby’s new experimental 0.5 branch (project blog entry here). According to the included benchmarks, Apple’s version of Ruby could already, at this early stage of its development, be about three times as fast as the fastest Ruby implementation available elsewhere.”

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cocoanaut writes “A new project launched by Google’s Python engineers could make the popular programming language five times faster. The project, which is called Unladen Swallow, seeks to replace the Python interpreter’s virtual machine with a new just-in-time (JIT) compilation engine that is built on LLVM. The first milestone release, which was announced at PyCon, already offers a 15-25% performance increase over the standard CPython implementation. The source code is available from the Google Code web site.”

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“Modern psychology has attempted to classify how good we are at a certain skill by observing how deep it perforates that iceberg. It thus describes four stages of competence an individual can achieve. In this article I’ll try to apply this simple scheme to the skill we practice everyday: programming.”
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aremstar writes “I’m a final-year Computer Science student from the UK. During my studies, we covered 3 programming languages: C, C++ and Java. The issue is that we didn’t cover any of these languages in sufficient depth for me to claim that I have commercial-ready experience. It’s one thing being able to write simple programs for class assignments, but those are quite different from writing something as complex as the Linux kernel or a multi-threaded banking app. I’m thinking of spending a few weeks/months studying in order to specialize in one of those languages. Fortran also entered my consideration, as it is great for numerical computing and used by many financial institutions, banks, etc. In terms of skill requirements in job ads, my (brief) experience suggests that most programming jobs require C++, with Java a close second. C — unfortunately — doesn’t appear as much. My question is: if you were in my shoes, which language would win your time investment? My heart suggests C, with a little bit of Fortran to complement it, but I’m a bit worried that there might not be enough demand in the job market.”

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An anonymous reader writes “I hate my career of the past few years. For a long time I’ve wondered what I’d do after I broke even and could get into something new, and I keep coming back to computers. I’d like to get into software, since I always enjoyed coding. I have some background with C++ so I’m not starting entirely from scratch. My problem is my degrees and past employment have no practical application to the field. Where should I start? I have friends in both IT and software development who might be able to pull some strings and get me an interview or two for entry-level positions, but what can I do to make myself hireable in a short period of time? Is it possible to pick up enough of what I’d need within a couple months? If so, what and how?”

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Brietech writes “This is a homebrew laptop project based on a Picaxe microcontroller. It has 16kb of RAM, 256kb of storage, sound and a self-hosted development environment! It has a simple CLI, file-system, ‘EMAXE’ text editor and a programming language called ‘Chris#.’ Oh, and yes, it runs Linaxe.”

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