Jul 1 2009

Decode Obfuscated WordPress Strings Which Use eval, gzinflate, And base64_decode.

I’ve been using wordpress for awhile and it seems that whenever I find a useful plugin or theme on the web the author always seems to embed some affiliate link or some other garbage on my main page. Usually they make sure that these links show up on every page and sometimes they even make other features of the software depend on it. Usually when I try to edit out the code it’s not as easy as removing an anchor or a bit of javascript. They always seem to obfuscate what they are doing as much as possible.

The most popular way to do this is to use a combination of gzinflate, base64_decodes, eval, and str_rot13. For most users this is really difficult to decode to figure out what is really going on. I wrote this function to hopefully make peoples lives easier (or harder, depending on who you are).
Usually the obfuscated code is written in the wordpress add-on like this :

$coded_string = "eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('FZfFDs..sdff/7nr/8B')));"

If your string looks like that then the function that follows should take decode it and return the html code pretty easily.

function decode_goofy_string($coded_string)
    $contents=preg_replace("/<\?|\?>/", "", $coded_string); 
    eval(preg_replace("/eval/", "\$coded_string=", $coded_string)); 
  return trim($coded_string);

This function is pretty straight forward but if anyone has any troubles then leave a comment or send me an email at cody@codytaylor.org


Jun 29 2009

WordPress Shortcode To Generate A TinyURL For Any Post

TinyURLs can be very useful when you have a long url to type into something like an iphone or some other mobile device where the keyboard is rather tedious. On a few of my sites I was looking for a way to automatically generate a tinyURL with the least amount of effort. Since I use wordpress for most of them I decided to go with a shortcode.

Shortcodes seem to be gaining a fair amount of attention in the wordpress community and with good reason. The Shortcode API, which was new in wordpress 2.5, is a simple set of functions for creating macro codes for use in your posts. Shortcodes are written by providing a handler function and they accept parameters too. Here is a wordpress shortcode to generate a tinyURL for a post.

//Generate Tiny URLS For A Post 
function get_tiny_url($arguments)
    $url = get_permalink($post->ID);
    $url = urlencode($arguments['url']);
      $tiny_url = 'http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='.$url;
      $new_url = file_get_contents($tiny_url);
      $new_url = "Error";
    return $new_url;

add_shortcode('small_url', 'get_tiny_url');

If the url parameter is not defined then the function will attempt to use the wordpress function get_permalink($post->ID) which will return the current posts url. Also you can pass in a parameter if you want to show a tinyURL to another location. Using curl instead of file_get_contents would probably be faster but I didn’t want to make the example to long. The add_shortcode function is what tells the API to use the get_tiny_url function when it encounters the small_url shortcode. Note that this will call on the tinyurl api every page view so it would probably be prudent to set the tiny urls in the database so you only have to check once on a production site although I’m not sure if they expire or not.
This shortcode can be called in the post by typing :

[small_url]  // or
[small_url url='http://codytaylor.org']


Jun 26 2009

Make Your PHP Faster

I was reading about some php performance tips at work today and decided to throw together some of the ways to make your php site faster.

Here’s a couple of short tips to avoid making your site lag for the user:

  1. Unset your variables. This frees up a surprising amount of memory
  2. Use memcache
  3. Turn on apache’s mod_deflate
  4. If your database is local then close your connections when you’re done with them
  5. If your database is remote then use persistant connections
  6. Don’t use functions inside of a for loop control expression unless absolutely necessary. Example :

    The some_big_calculation function will be called every iteration.
  7. Use string concatenation instead of embedding variables in strings.
    $some_string = "asdf $asdf2 asdf"; //bad
    $some_string = 'asdf '.$asdf2.' asdf'; //good
  8. When including files, use at least a relative path so PHP doesn’t have to look in the entire path.
    include("./some_file.php"); // looks in the current directory
    include("wrong.php"); // searches every directory in the path
  9. Try not to use include_once or require_once. They are more expensive and it really isn’t that hard to only include files once
  10. Not everything needs to be an object. There is a fair amount of overhead when doing everything OOP.
  11. Use output buffering to make everything seem faster.

Hopefully I didn’t miss any of the big ones.


Jun 22 2009

Update Twitter using Command Line, Javascript, Or PHP.

Everyone seems to be all about Twitter so here’s some simple examples of how to update your Twitter status from a command line prompt, web server or simple html web site. These three examples require curl so install it if you don’t already have it. For these examples I’ll be using my Twitter user name ‘codytaylor1234’. My password is not ‘mypassword’ so make sure you put in your own information.

The easiest way to update your Twitter account is to just call curl from the command line with this command.

curl --basic --user "codytaylor1234:mypassword" --data-ascii 
"status=This Twitter update brought to you by curl on the command line" 

To update your Twitter status with PHP you are going to want to do the same sort of thing but with a bit more typing.

$username = 'codytaylor1234';
$password = 'mypassword';

$update = 'This Twitter update is from a php script using curl';

$url = 'http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json';

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$url");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "status=".$update);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.":".$password);
$result = curl_exec($ch);

    echo 'success';


Since a cross-domain request in Javascript isn’t really an option we have to create a proxy using PHP in order to authenticate the user on the Twitter API. If anyone knows an easy way authenticate a Twitter user using only javascript I’d love to hear it. Anyway if we replace a small amount of code in the above example and put it in a file then we can use a simple ajax request to update our Twitter status. So the new PHP file would be:

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];

$update = $_POST['update'];

$url = 'http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json';

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$url");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "status=".$update);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.":".$password);
$result = curl_exec($ch);


For this example I called that php file ‘twitter-update.php’. Now that we have our simple proxy we can update our twitter status with a simple html form and a little ajax. I used the prototype framework for my javascript.

<script src="includes/prototype.js" type="text/javascript">
<script type='text/javascript'>
function update_twitter()
  var param_string = "username="+$('username').value+"&password="+
  var options = {
    method: "post",
    parameters: param_string,
    onSuccess: function (xhr, Json) {
      alert("Response received successfully.");
    onFailure: function (xhr, Json) {
      alert("Request was unsuccessful.");
  var oRequest = new Ajax.Request("twitter-update.php", options);


Obviously this is for example purposes only and if you’re actually using it for production then you should edit it a lot. Now for the last little bit here’s the simple html form that starts it all.

User Name : <input type='text' id='username' value='codytaylor1234'><br>
Password  : <input type='password' id='password' value='mypassword'><br>
New Status : <input type='text' id='update' 
value='Twitter Update from html/javascript/php'><br>
<input type='button' value="Update Twitter" onclick='update_twitter();'>


Jun 20 2009

Get Integer Bit Parity In PHP

I was forced to use php to generate a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) byte earlier this week. When generating this CRC I needed to check the bit parity of a byte. At first I thought that there would be an example that I could just cut and paste into my code or a library including the function somewhere. I guess that most PHP users don’t really have to work with bits and bytes very often because I couldn’t find an example of doing this. Granted I didn’t really search that hard because writing it was pretty simple. But hopefully the next guy searching for this actually finds this example.

Most of the time we don’t really have to think about types in php. But if you’re dealing with this kind of thing then you usually want to know what you’re working with. This php function example will only work with integers and will return a value of -1 if the first parameter is not a number. The function returns 1 if the number of bits set in the number pased in is odd. Otherwise it will return 0. The second parameter defaults to 4 because that is the number of bytes in a normal php integer. In php if a number becomes larger than an integer can handle, which is called an overflow, it becomes a float. The default integer size is platform dependant but it’s usually 4 bytes. It can be set using the constant PHP_INT_SIZE if you need to change it.


function odd_parity($something,$number_of_bytes_to_check=4,$double_check=0)
    //test to make sure it's a number
    if(!is_numeric($something)) {return -1;}  

    $setbits = 0;

    //get the number of bits that are set
        if($something & (1<<$i)) $setbits++;

    //check if the number of bits set is even or odd   
    $result =  $setbits % 2;
    //spit out the results to double check it's working 
    echo   "<br>Parity of : ".$something." is ".
    $result." In Binary : ".decbin((int)$something).
    " Checking the right ".($number_of_bytes_to_check*8).
    " Bits";

    return $result;

//will return 0 because it's defaulting to 4 bytes
echo odd_parity(0x0100010001);  



Jun 17 2009

Generate A Tiny URL On The Fly With PHP

Uniform resource locators (URL) are starting to get very long and I’m getting sick of typing ridiculously long strings into safari on my iphone. I don’t really care about the extra bandwidth, It’s just annoying when you’re on the phone telling someone to go check out a 67 character long url and they mistype it three times.

I’ve just started using the tiny url service and so far it’s been useful. On one of my sites I wanted to generate a tiny url for each of my pages to make them quicker to type in and also so people don’t know what get variables I’ve set until they get there. Here is the PHP function that I used to generate a tiny url for every page on the site.

There doesn’t seem to be any documentation at all on the Tiny URL website about this so I’m not sure if it’ll change in the future.
This function passes your desired url to the api-create.php script on the tinyurl domain which returns a nice short url that isn’t a pain to put into your iphone.

function get_tiny_url($url)
  $new_url = file_get_contents('http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='.$url);
  return $new_url;

$tiny_url = get_tiny_url("http://codytaylor.org");

Not much to it but it made my life easier.


Jun 15 2009

Checking Bits With PHP

PHP makes life a lot easier for quick or dirty maintenance scripts, cron jobs or web applications but how does it do for older, not so straight forward problems dealing with bits and bytes? I was surprised how easy it was to manipulate bits in a byte with php. Here is an function that made my life a fair amount easier when having to check for a specific bit in a byte.

This function checks whether a certain bit is set or not given a byte and an index. It returns true if the chosen bit is set. It casts the $value argument to a integer just in case. The index $n goes from left to right so the most significant bit is bit one and the least significant is bit eight. This function will only work for integers between 0 and 255 because that was all I needed at the time. It would be trivial to write either a function to separate bytes in an integer or to increase the amount of bits that this function checks. I originally had a different function here but the Internet quickly told me that there was an easier way to do this.


function check_bit($value,$n=8)
    $value = (int)$value;
    if($value & (1<<(8-$n))) { return true; }
    else { return false; }

//Check Bit Usage Example
$test_byte1 = "4";

if( check_bit($test_byte1,2))
  echo "Bit 2 is set in ".decbin($test_byte1);
  echo "Bit 2 is not set in ".decbin($test_byte1);


Here are the php bitwise operator definitions from the php documentation. Look like C much?

$a & $b And Bits that are set in both $a and $b are set.
$a | $b Or Bits that are set in either $a or $b are set.
$a ^ $b Xor Bits that are set in $a or $b but not both are set.
~ $a Not Bits that are set in $a are not set, and vice versa.
$a << $b Shift left Shift the bits of $a $b steps to the left (each step means “multiply by two”)
$a >> $b Shift right Shift the bits of $a $b steps to the right (each step means “divide by two”)

Jun 14 2009

Detect Bots By Parsing The User Agent With PHP

Because I’ve been starting to keep a closer eye on my traffic I’ve been logging everything to my databases. When writing reports for this information I noticed that there was huge amounts of traffic from bots. Yahoo, Google, MSN and many others have been hammering my sites quite a lot lately. Since I’m writing my reports in PHP I needed a quick little function to identify whether the visitor was real traffic or some machine scraping my site. I couldn’t find one after a few quick Google queries but the solution was trivial so I wrote my own. Hopefully this will save someone a few minutes. The function is as simple as possible and it seems to be working so far. I’ve been watching it for awhile and it hasn’t missed any yet. I’m assuming that it’s not going to catch everything but it would be nice to get most. Any bot user agent string suggestions would be helpful.

//returns 1 if the user agent is a bot
function is_bot($user_agent)
  //if no user agent is supplied then assume it's a bot
  if($user_agent == "")
    return 1;

  //array of bot strings to check for
  $bot_strings = Array(  "google",     "bot",
            "yahoo",     "spider",
            "archiver",   "curl",
            "python",     "nambu",
            "twitt",     "perl",
            "sphere",     "PEAR",
            "java",     "wordpress",
            "radian",     "crawl",
            "yandex",     "eventbox",
            "monitor",   "mechanize",
  foreach($bot_strings as $bot)
    if(strpos($user_agent,$bot) !== false)
    { return 1; }
  return 0;


Jun 9 2009

Adding Sack Ajax To Your WordPress Plugin’s Admin Page

Using my previous wordpress example plugin I’m going to demonstrate how to use ajax within the admin panel. WordPress uses the Simple AJAX Code-Kit (SACK) which is relatively easy to use and understand.

For this example I’m going to expand on my previous example and add a simple javascript function that queries some data from the server. WordPress forces us to do this in a roundabout way. First we have to add two new function hooks. One prints my javascript function in the scripts section of the admin panel and the other is the code that gets called by the ajax sack request.

//add my custom ajax function to the scripts section in the admin panel
add_action('admin_print_scripts', 'ajax_request');

//add data returning ajax refresh table function
add_action('wp_ajax_do_something', 'get_random_number');

The ajax_request function is a shell function for the javascript ajax call get_random_number_from_server which is our sack ajax request. Note that we are calling the admin-ajax.php script. This script will handle the calling of the get_random_number function for us because of the action defined above.

//This function will print out in the header section. 
//Put all your javascript in this function.
function ajax_request()
        //print out the sack ajax library
        wp_print_scripts( array( 'sack' ));  
  <script type="text/javascript">
  function get_random_number_from_server()
    //creates the sack object and 
                //gives it the url that it should request to.
    var mysack = new sack( '<?php 
                bloginfo( "wpurl" ); ?>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php' );    
    mysack.execute = 1;   //execute whatever is returned
    mysack.method = 'POST';
    //Set POST fields
    mysack.setVar( "action", "do_something" );
    mysack.encVar( "cookie", document.cookie, false );
    mysack.onError = function() { alert('Ajax Error')};
    mysack.runAJAX();  //run the result

    return true;

  } // end of JavaScript function myplugin_ajax_elevation

This is the php function that is called by the javascript function above. It spits out a alert javascript function and then dies. Not sure why but it is recommended to die in this function.

//This is the server side code for the ajax sack request
function get_random_number()
  $minimum_number = 0;
  $maximum_number = 100;

This code can now be run like the following in your plugins admin page.

<input type='button' value='Get Random Number' 

When the button is hit a popup with a random number in it will pop up. Here’s a link to the entire example plugin code.


Jun 7 2009

Simple WordPress Example Plugin

I wrote a plugin for wordpress this weekend and all the documentation and guides were fairly long winded. This is probably a good thing for most people but I never like large amounts of reading for something simple. So the following outlines and explains a very short and simple plugin for wordpress.

WordPress uses hooks to give plugins certain places to execute code. Hooks are created by using the add_action function where the first parameter is the desired, predefined hook and the second is the name of the function that you want to be called at that point. Check out the list of hooks.

In this example I first hook the install function which will be run when the plugin is activated. The second hook defines a function that will be called when a page is loaded and the footer code is executed. The third hook is for the admin menu. This one is a bit of a two step hook. For some reason wordpress makes you call a second function on top of the add_action function in order to get an entry in the admin panel. So the add_options_page is used for just that. It creates a page under the settings header called ‘WP Example’. the third parameter is the name of the function that creates the admin options page.

The commented out name and example at the top of the script is actually used by wordpress when you are activating and deactivating the plugin.

Here’s the code:


/* Plugin Name: Example Plugin
 * Description: Simple Example Plugin
 *  */

//hook the installation function to the activation plugin

//run the alert_user function in the wp_footer 
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'alert_user', 20);

//create a admin page 
add_action('admin_menu', 'my_example_admin_menu');

//make the example_options function is the admin option page
function my_example_admin_menu() {
  add_options_page(  'WP Example Options', 
            'WP Example', 

//This code is run on the admin options page for this plugin
function example_options() {
    echo "<div>This Simple Example Plugin Welcomes Every Visitor</div>";

//This funtion is called in the wp_footer and welcomes every visitor
function alert_user()
    echo "<script type='text/javascript'>".
                  "alert('Welcome to My Wordpress Blog');".

//This function is run when we activate the plugin
//It is where we would put all our create table and option code
//Since this is a simple example we won't do anything here
function install_example() 


If you put all that in a .php file and upload it to your wp-content/plugins directory you can activate it, deactivate it, view the options page and it will alert every user that comes to your site.
