On these pages, admitting that you are a Trekkie is not a mark of shame; it’s more like admitting that you are a carbon-based life form, which is true of almost all of us. I watch every movie. I’ve seen every episode of every series. And as my wife will tell you, I scream “F*** you Rick Berman!’ during the credits every time I see it. So when JJ Abrams got a crack at a reboot, I was hopeful. The short review is that I liked it. Keep reading; I’ll keep the spoilers down to a minimum. (Continued below.)

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Picture this: It’s late at night, you’re sitting at your computer playing a game or working on a project when, suddenly, Windows freezes completely. All your work is gone, and you find a blue screen full of gibberish staring back at you. Windows is dead, Jim, at least until you reboot it.
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darthcamaro writes “Classic era trek was all about Kirk kicking the Klingons tails. But the new Star Trek XI movie, the reboot, will not have any spoken Klingon in it — a travesty that has some fan sites up in arms already. ‘We actually had a sequence that ended up getting cut from the movie that took place on Rura Penthe, in a Klingon prison,’ Star Trek co-writer Alex Kurtzman said, explaining the deletion. ‘And there was definitely Klingon spoken in the movie, and it ended up getting cut.’ Frakkin’ Federation …”

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narramissic writes “A Dutch university has received a .3 million grant from the European Research Council to fund 5 more years of work on a Unix-type operating system, called Minix, that aims to be more reliable and secure than either Linux or Windows. The latest grant will enable the three researchers and two programmers on the project to further their research into a making Minix capable of fixing itself when a bug is detected, said Andrew S. Tanenbaum, a computer science professor at Vrije Universiteit. ‘It irritates me to no end when software doesn’t work,’ Tanenbaum said. ‘Having to reboot your computer is just a pain. The question is, can you make a system that actually works very well?'”

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bowman9991 writes “Paramount Pictures are so confident about the box office potential of the upcoming Star Trek reboot directed by J. J. Abrams that they’re already working on a sequel. They’ve hired Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and Damon Lindelof to write the screenplay. We’re looking at a possible 2011 release for the next Star Trek movie with the same cast. Now that they’ve committed themselves, let’s hope it lives up to expectations.”

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suraj.sun writes “A pair of Argentinian researchers have found a way to perform unveil a BIOS level malware attack capable of surviving even a hard-disk wipe. Alfredo Ortega and Anibal Sacco from Core Security Technologies — used the stage at last week’s CanSecWest conference to demonstrate methods for infecting the BIOS with persistent code that will survive reboots and re-flashing attempts. The technique includes patching the BIOS with a small bit of code that gave them complete control of the machine. The demo ran smoothly on a Windows machine, a PC running OpenBSD and another running VMware Player.”

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bowman9991 writes “Bryan Fuller, creator of the TV show Pushing Daisies and a former Star Trek writer and producer, is geared up to make it happen. The new Star Trek TV show would be based on “old style” Star Trek, rather than the more recent incarnations and variations: Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and Star Trek: The Next Generation. There hasn’t been a Star Trek TV series since Enterprise was canceled after four seasons in 2005. Fuller wrote twenty one Star Trek episodes over four years, two in Deep Space Nine’s final season, and the rest for Voyager. He also produced Voyager’s last season. If J.J. Abrams’ reboot is successful (and the latest trailer suggests it will be!) perhaps we’ll see him involved with a new Star Trek TV show with the style and impact of Fringe or Lost. The new Star Trek movie featuring a young Kirk and Spock is in cinemas May 2009.” Besides his work on many episodes of Trek, Fuller’s work includes Dead Like Me and some of the best of Heroes (He’s one of the names I actively seek in the writing slot) Between him and JJ Abrams, the era of Rick Berman looks to finally be at an end. Cross your fingers.

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With everything related to romance taking on a techie spin — dating, mating, cheating, deleting — it makes sense to try to find the wired (and occasionally weird) angle to the ethereal. Here are a few ways to add a little high-tech sweetener to reboot your romantic life. You can even do some without breaking the bank.
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