Jan 28 2009

Windows 7 to be ‘thoroughly’ tested by antitrust regulators

Technical advisers to the antitrust regulators who monitor Microsoft Corp.’s compliance with a 2002 antitrust settlement will test Windows 7 “more thoroughly” than earlier versions of the operating system were tested, according to a recently-released status report filed with the federal judge watching over the company.


Jan 28 2009

Windows 7 To Come In Multiple Versions

Crazy Taco writes “Tom’s Hardware reports on newly discovered screenshots that reveal Microsoft is planning to release their newest version of Windows in multiple confusing versions … again. The information comes from the latest version of the Windows 7 beta, build 7025 (the public beta is build 7000), and shows a screen during installation that asks the user which version of the OS he or she would like to install. Who’s up for guessing what the difference is between Windows 7 ‘Starter’ and Windows 7 ‘Home Basic?'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Jan 27 2009

Linux keeps dying

Harris goes on to claim “Windows 7 is the final nail in the desktop Linux market’s coffin. Unless Microsoft gets stupid on pricing, it is game over for Linux netbook market share.” Wait … is Linux losing the desktop market, or the netbook market?


Jan 27 2009

CoreBoot (LinuxBIOS) Can Boot Windows 7 Beta

billybob2 writes “CoreBoot (formerly LinuxBIOS), the free and open source BIOS replacement, can now boot Windows 7 Beta. Videos and screenshots of this demonstration, which was performed on an ASUS M2V-MX SE motherboard equipped with a 2GHz AMD Sempron CPU, can be viewed on the CoreBoot website. AMD engineers have also been submitting code to allow CoreBoot to run on the company’s latest chipsets, such as the RS690 and 780G.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Jan 27 2009

6 Things You Need to Know About Windows 7

The Windows 7 beta from Microsoft continues to generate lots of positive buzz. In fact, the word of mouth reaction is almost the polar opposite of Vista’s. Here are six things you need to keep in mind about Windows 7 and what it means for Microsoft . . . and you!


Jan 26 2009

Microsoft Releases Internet Explorer 8 RC1

mikemuch writes “IE8 has left beta as of noon Pacific time today. The development team now considers the browser platform- and feature-complete, but won’t say how long until it goes gold. PCMag.com got an early look and has posted a full review of Internet Explorer 8 RC1. The release candidate differs only slightly from Beta 2, most notably in tweaks to its InPrivate Browsing feature, aka porn mode. That feature has been decoupled with InPrivate Filtering, which blocks third-party content providers from creating profile of your browsing habits. RC1 also improves on performance, especially in startup time, but still trails Firefox and Chrome in JavaScript speed. Protection against the relatively new threat of ‘clickjacking,’ where a site tries to get you to press buttons underneath a sham frame page, has also been added — the first browser to include such protections. Versions for 32-bit and 64-bit Vista, as well as for 32-bit XP are available, but Windows 7, which will ship with IE8, is stuck with an older beta for now.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Jan 26 2009

History repeating? Remembering the Windows Vista ‘upgrade’

While much of the media is tripping over itself to mark the Second Coming of Windows (aka the Windows 7 beta), I recall the First Install of Vista. Though I have been running Vista without major incident since January of 2008, the initial switch consigned me immediately to my own private Vista hell. Let’s hope Microsoft makes the upgrade to Windows


Jan 26 2009

Microsoft To Kill Windows 7 Beta Februrary 10th

mamaphoenix writes “Paul McDougall of InformationWeek reports Computer enthusiasts who want to get their hands on the trial version of Microsoft’s next operating system have just two more weeks to do so. The company says it will end availability of Windows 7 Beta on Feb. 10. There are a couple of loopholes, however. Users who started to download the OS before that date will have until Feb. 12 to complete the process. Also, Microsoft will continue to distribute product keys beyond Feb. 12 to users who have previously downloaded Windows 7 Beta but have yet to obtain a key. ‘We are at a point where we have more than enough beta testers and feedback coming in to meet our engineering needs, so we are beginning to plan the end of general availability for Windows 7 Beta,’ said Brandon LeBlanc, Microsoft’s in-house Windows blogger, in a post Friday. Microsoft will post warnings on its Web site that the download program for Windows 7 is about to end starting Tuesday. A final version of Windows 7, Microsoft’s follow-up to Windows Vista, is expected to be available in late 2009 or early 2010.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Jan 26 2009

Games for Windows boss sacked – CVG Online

EfluxMedia News

Games for Windows boss sacked
CVG Online – 1 hour ago
Games for Windows boss Chris Early is reported to have been one of the casualties in Microsoft's announced layoffs – the most senior member of staff yet to be laid off in the cuts.
The week in Microsoft: the media finds out about Windows 7 Ars Technica
Microsoft To Kill Windows 7 Beta On Feb. 10 InformationWeek
Computerworld – T3 – TrustedReviews – IT Examiner
all 83 news articles

Jan 26 2009

Mark Shuttleworth Strikes the Right Tone On Windows 7

Some people are scratching their heads over recent Windows 7-related comments attributed to Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth. But Shuttleworth’s words provide an important reminder that innovation and competition from Microsoft will help to propel Ubuntu and Linux forward.
