Feb 25 2009

Comet Lulin Closest To Earth Tonight

William Robinson writes “Comet Lulin, formally known as C/2007 N3, which is on a visit to the inner solar system, will make its closest approach to earth tonight, about 38 million miles away. To the naked eye, the comet looks like a fuzzy patch of hazy light in the southeastern sky near Saturn, at the tip of Leo the Lion’s hind leg. After this brief visit, Lulin will be heading back out to its kin in the Oort Cloud.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 25 2009

UK Government Boosts Open Source Adoption

Cameron Logie writes “The UK Government has today announced full backing for greater adoption of Open Source solutions in the public sector. According to the article at the BBC News site, ‘Government departments will be required to adopt open source software when “there is no significant overall cost difference between open and non-open source products” because of its “inherent flexibility.”‘”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 25 2009

Transparency Advocate Campaigns To Lead GPO

BigTimOBrien writes “In this interview with O’Reilly Broadcast, Carl Malamud discusses his grassroots effort to build support for his appointment as Public Printer of the United States, running the Government Printing Office — an agency that opened its doors the day Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated. Malamud has published his plans and platform on yeswescan.org: ‘For over 20 years, Carl Malamud has been publishing government information on the Internet. In 2008, Public.Resource.Org published over 32.4 million pages of primary legal materials, as well as thousands of hours of video and thousands of photographs. In the 1990s, Malamud fought to place the databases of the United States on the Internet. In the 1980s, Malamud fought to make the standards that govern our global Internet open standards available to all. Malamud would continue to work to preserve and extend our public domain, and would place special attention to our relationship with our customers, especially the United States Congress.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 25 2009

Ryerson privacy breach highlights immature IT, analyst says – IT World Canada Blogs


Ryerson privacy breach highlights immature IT, analyst says
IT World Canada Blogs
Whether the university's software glitch will lead to actual identity theft remains to be seen, but that hasn’t stopped one industry analyst from chastising the school’s slow response.
Glitch bares Ryerson students' information Toronto Star
Ryerson software error exposes students personal information Digital Home
The Eyeopener – The Canadian Press – Canada.com – CityNews
all 44 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Chlorine evacuation order has been lifted – Canada.com

CTV British Columbia

Chlorine evacuation order has been lifted
An evacuation order in the northern town of Mackenzie prompted by a chlorine dioxide leak over the weekend has been lifted, an town official said Monday.
Mackenzie residents going home after spill of chemicals Globe and Mail
Evacuation lifted after chlorine dioxide leak at mothballed BC The Canadian Press
Energeticcity.ca – CJDC – The Gazette (Montreal) – Lesprom Network
all 49 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Google, Amazon, others want CRTC to ban internet interference – CBC.ca


Google, Amazon, others want CRTC to ban internet interference
By Paul Jay, CBC News A coalition of more than 70 technology companies, including internet search leader Google, online retailer Amazon and voice over internet provider Skype, is calling on the CRTC to ban internet service providers from "traffic
The CRTC isn’t just a nuisance now, it’sa real threat Macleans.ca
Net Neutrality: tell CRTC what you think p2pnet.net
CP24, Canada – Georgia Straight – The Kingston Whig-Standard – Tech Media Reports (subscription)
all 12 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Canadian firms lead in adopting cloud computing – IT World Canada Blogs

Canadian firms lead in adopting cloud computing
IT World Canada Blogs
Canadian IT decision makers are more informed about cloud computing than their global counterparts and local organizations lead the world in adopting the technology, according to a recent survey of large enterprise firms.
Podcast: Cloud computing aligns with enterprise architecture to… IT-Director.com
Fear and Loathing of Cloud Computing eWeek
PR Web (press release) – informIT – DABCC.com – MSNBC
all 17 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Toyota and Home Hardware to team up for a multi-year business … – Woodstock Sentinel Review


Toyota and Home Hardware to team up for a multi-year business
Woodstock Sentinel Review
Two companies with high Oxford County profiles have inked a multi-year "business relationship" that will see them work together on a number of future marketing ventures.
Toyota and Home Hardware announce partnership CanadianDriver
Toyota Canada partners with Home Hardware Driving.ca
all 4 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Tech products may encourage consumption, pollution: Scientist – Vancouver Sun


Tech products may encourage consumption, pollution: Scientist
Vancouver Sun
By Kelly Cryderman, Calgary HeraldFebruary 24, 2009 Electronic products are not as green as we may think, says a University of Calgary researcher, who will speak at a world climate-change conference in Copenhagen this December.
Small consumer tech not always green, U of C researcher says Calgary Herald
IT's Impact Bigger than Expected: Report Sheds Doubt on Green IT GreenerComputing
Economic Times
all 14 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Can Microsoft retail succeed where others have failed? – ZDNet Asia

Can Microsoft retail succeed where others have failed?
ZDNet Asia
By Charles Cooper, CNET News.com commentary Did Microsoft just serve up more fodder for the wits who direct Apple's lacerating series of Mac versus PC commercials?
Microsoft should hook up with The Source by Circuit City IT World Canada Blogs
Microsoft Retail Strategy Doomed to Fail DaniWeb
PC World
all 6 news articles