Apr 30 2009

Windows 7 Release Candidate 1 impressions and expectations

When you get RC1 in your hands, it’s not going to feel drastically different than the previous beta. There are UI tweaks and tucks, and some functionality added, but mostly it’s more of the same — which is to say a really cleaned up, streamlined, nicer looking version of Vista.


Apr 30 2009

NES gamepad mouse

the most amazing piece of industrial design in the history of humankind


Apr 30 2009

10 Tools & Applications to Enhance Your Facebook Experience

There are a lot of tools, scripts and addons which can make your stay at facebook more fun and a bit less comprehensive. From downloading whole facebook albums to posted videos, these tools cover almost everything. I’ve combined a list of the tools that are actually helpful, skipped the spam.


Apr 30 2009

Hospital Equipment Infected With Conficker

nandemoari writes “Recently, the Conficker/Downadup worm infected several hundred machines and critical medical equipment in an undisclosed number of US hospitals. The attacks were not widespread; however, Marcus Sachs, director of the SANS Internet Storm Center, told CNET News that it raises the awareness of what we would do if there were millions of computers infected in hospitals or in critical infrastructure locations. It’s not clear how the devices (including heart monitors, MRI machines and PCs) got infected. Infected computers were running Windows NT and Windows 2000 in a local area network (LAN) that wasn’t supposed to be Internet accessible, but the LAN was connected to one with direct Internet access. A patch was released by Microsoft last October by November that fixes the problem, but the computers infected were reportedly too old to be patched.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 30 2009

ARIN Letter Says Two More Years of IPv4

dew4au writes “A reader over at SANS Internet Storm Center pointed out a certified letter his organization received from ARIN. The letter notes that all IPv4 space will be depleted within two years and outlines new requirements for address applications. New submissions will require an attestation of accuracy from an organizational officer. It also advises organizations to start addressing publicly accessible assets with IPv6. Is ARIN hoping to scare companies into action with the specter of scarce resources? This may be what’s needed to spur adoption since there appears to be no business case for IPv6 deployment.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 30 2009

Klingons Cut From Final Star Trek XI Movie

darthcamaro writes “Classic era trek was all about Kirk kicking the Klingons tails. But the new Star Trek XI movie, the reboot, will not have any spoken Klingon in it — a travesty that has some fan sites up in arms already. ‘We actually had a sequence that ended up getting cut from the movie that took place on Rura Penthe, in a Klingon prison,’ Star Trek co-writer Alex Kurtzman said, explaining the deletion. ‘And there was definitely Klingon spoken in the movie, and it ended up getting cut.’ Frakkin’ Federation …”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 30 2009

Forensics Tools Finds Headerless Encrypted Files

gurps_npc writes “Forensics Innovations claims to have for sale a product that detects headerless encrypted files, such as TrueCrypt Dynamic files. It does not decrypt the file, just tells you that it is in fact an encrypted file. It works by detecting hidden patterns that don’t exist in a random file. It does not mention stenography, but if their claim is true, it seems that it should be capable of detecting stenographic information as well.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 30 2009

Reports Say Apple May Manufacture Its Own Chips

afabbro writes “There are scattered reports today that Apple is building a team to design its own chips, with an eye towards reducing power consumption on iPods and iPhones.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 30 2009

Cheap 3D Motion Sensing System Developed At MIT

Al writes “Researchers at the MIT Media Lab have created a cheaper way to track physical motion that could prove useful for movie special effects. Normally an actor needs to wear special markers that reflect light with numerous high-speed cameras placed around a specially-lit set. The new system, called Second Skin, instead relies on tiny photosensors embedded in clothes that record movement by picking patterns of infrared light emitted by inexpensive projectors that can be mounted in ceilings or even outdoors. The whole system costs less than ,000 to build, and the researchers have developed a version that vibrates to guide a person’s arm movements. Watch a video of Second Skin in action.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 30 2009

FEMA Removes 9/11 Coloring Book For Children From Website

FEMA has decided to pull a children’s coloring book entitled, “A Scary Thing Happened” from their website. The coloring book contained three images of the twin towers on fire for children to color. Rose Olmsted, the coordinator behind the book said, “I stand firm that it was a very well thought-out and useful resource for kids, but it’s obviously being misinterpreted by a lot of people.” Since people are so upset about the coloring book, I can only assume FEMA’s plan for a human remains concentration game will be put on hold.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
