May 13 2009

Tories launch attack ads – Globe and Mail

Tories launch attack ads
Globe and Mail
OTTAWA – A day after launching attack ads against Michael Ignatieff on the Internet, the Harper Conservatives are bringing out the big guns for a sustained and broad negative campaign against the Liberal Leader – launching six spots to run on national
Tories ready to 'take on' Liberals over EI reform: PM
Tories ready to 'take on' Liberals over EI reform: Harper CFTKTV
Reuters Canada – Bloomberg – The Gazette (Montreal) – Globe and Mail
all 201 news articles

May 13 2009

Dhalla abuse charges 'false' – Edmonton Sun

Dhalla abuse charges 'false'
Edmonton Sun
By IAN ROBERTSON, SUN MEDIA BRAMPTON — Beleagured Liberal MP Ruby Dhalla surfaced yesterday after three days of silence and denied accusations she mistreated foreign caregivers at her family's Mississauga home.
Dhalla a victim of campaign: lawyer National Post
Domestic abuse Ottawa Citizen
Globe and Mail – Toronto Star – Toronto Star – Toronto Star
all 545 news articles

May 13 2009

Is the Free Web About to Expire?

The good old days of tons of something for pretty much nothing are coming to an end, and there’s little we can do to stop it.


May 13 2009

UK ISPs refuse to play Internet copyright cops

The UK government is finalizing its approach to dealing with online copyright infringement. Internet disconnections have been publicly taken off the table, but UK creative industries are now lobbying hard for disconnection as the report nears completion. ISPs argue that better licensing and business models would do a better job of solving the probl


May 13 2009

Styling your Lists: 20 Brilliant How to’s and Best Practices

There are lots of different methods to format nice HTML lists that is used in most web designs not only for navigation menu (vertical or horizontal) but for formatting many design blocks in a stylish and elegant manner.


May 13 2009

Why You Should Be Worried About Your Privacy on the Web

Combing through more than two dozen public and private resources on the Web, this author not only found a vast amount of their private information available (name, address, SS#, identifying photographs, family info) but also a fair amount of inaccuracies and outdated details.


May 13 2009

Dean Kamen Awarded Patent For Robot Competition Rules

An anonymous reader writes “Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway and the founder of the FIRST Robotics Competition has been granted Patent 7,507,169, that describes one of the previous competitions. The main invention is a ranking system that ranks teams not only on their score, but their opponents’ score, so teams are rewarded for helping their opponents score more. It is claimed that this ranking system promotes the made up phrases ‘coopertition’ and ‘gracious professionalism.’ It had three rejections, and even more appeals, before finally being accepted six years after the first application. While a majority of his 130 patents are for things related to his inventions, which are as diverse as medical equipment, unique uses for Stirling engines, and transportation, this one seems a little dubious. Dean opposes the Patent Reform Act of 2009, which would make it easier to overturn patents after they are granted.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


May 13 2009

Illusion Cloak Makes One Object Look Like Another

KentuckyFC writes “Metamaterials are synthetic substances that can steer light in any way imaginable. Their most famous incarnation is in invisibility cloaks which work by steering light around a region of space making any object inside that region invisible. But invisibility is just the start. A team of physicists in Hong Kong (the same guys who recently worked out how to cloak objects at a distance) have worked out how to create a cloak that makes one object look like another. Instead of steering light to make a region of space look empty, the illusion cloak manipulates light in a way that makes a region of space look as if it contains a specific object. So any object within that region of space, a mouse say, takes on the appearance of an elephant.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


May 13 2009

Measuring the User For CPU Frequency Scaling

An anonymous reader writes “The Empathic Systems Project a Northwestern University demonstrate up to 50% power savings by controlling CPU frequency scaling based upon the end user. They measure the user with eye trackers, galvanic skin response, and force sensors to find a CPU frequency that the user is satisfied with. They are currently studying user activity and system performance on mobile architectures, specifically the Android G1 phone.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


May 13 2009

Scientists Create RNA From Primordial Soup

Kristina at Science News writes “The RNA world hypothesis proposed 40 years ago suggested that life on Earth started not with DNA but with RNA. Now a team of scientists bolsters this hypothesis, having assembled RNA in the lab from a mixture that resembles what was likely the primordial soup. ‘Until now,’ Science News reports, ‘scientists couldn’t figure out the chemical reactions that created the earliest RNA molecules.’ The new work started the RNA assembly chemistry from a different angle than what earlier work had tried.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
