Mar 16 2009

Get it done with GNOME Do 0.8.1

GNOME Do is an open source launcher utility for the Linux desktop. Its new dock interface combines Mac-like polish and usability with highly efficient keyboard control, and we put it through its paces.


Mar 16 2009

Apple holding back on web-based 3D graphics for the desktop

Apple has added 3D position and transform capabilities to WebKit, along with the 2D CSS-based transform abilities added some time ago. However, Apple allows access to these advanced 3D abilities only via Mobile Safari. If Apple enables the features on the desktop, they could kickstart the development of a whole new class of visually rich web applic


Mar 13 2009

15 Free Downloads To Pep Up Your Old PC

Got an aging Windows laptop or desktop computer, but money’s too tight to buy a new one? Here are some programs that will give it a quick system tuneup


Mar 12 2009

Android For Desktops? I Doubt It

For years, Stephen J. Vaughan-Nichols has been trying to turn Linux into something it is not: A successful and popular desktop operating system. His latest foray into “Linux is the next big thing” is a discussion of Google’s Android operating system running on future netbooks.


Mar 12 2009

Tiny Core Linux Has Just 10 MB In Size

Maybe the smallest desktop-based Linux distribution, which requires only 10 MB free space on an USB drive, CD or an internal hard disk drive, Tiny Core Linux could give you a new experience and maximum Internet speed with a customizable X desktop and by running entirely in RAM. The Tiny Core Linux distribution is powered by Linux 2.6 kernel.


Mar 12 2009

Google and the Linux desktop

Google coming out with its own Linux desktop would be the best thing that ever happened to the Linux desktop and Microsoft’s worse nightmare. And, that last part is just fine by Google.


Mar 11 2009

Hitachi Fined $31 Million For LCD Price Fixing

MojoKid writes “The Japanese electronics manufacturer has just agreed to pay a staggering million fine for its role in a conspiracy to fix prices in the sale of TFT-LCD panels sold to Dell, Inc. The United States Department of Justice made the proclamation, and details show that Hitachi has plead guilty to a one-count felony. The charge, which was filed in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, blames Hitachi Displays Ltd., a subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd., with ‘participating in a conspiracy to fix the prices of TFT-LCD sold to Dell for use in desktop monitors and notebook computers from April 1, 2001 through March 31, 2004.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Mar 11 2009

Apps That Rely On Ext3’s Commit Interval May Lose Data In Ext4

cooper writes “Heise Open posted news about a bug report for the upcoming Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) which describes a massive data loss problem when using Ext4 (German version): A crash occurring shortly after the KDE 4 desktop files had been loaded results in the loss of all of the data that had been created, including many KDE configuration files.” The article mentions that similar losses can come from some other modern filesystems, too. Update: 03/11 21:30 GMT by T : Headline clarified to dispel the impression that this was a fault in Ext4.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Mar 10 2009

16 Great Music Add-Ons for Firefox

There are numerous Firefox add-ons to help enhance your music listening experience. From those that enable you to control your online or desktop media player, to tools to help you fill in gaps in your album art collection, or tweet your current song to your reviews followers, here are 16 great Firefox music add-ons to get your groove on.


Mar 10 2009

Linux : How Linux Can Finally Rise Above Microsoft.

The conclusion? The Desktop. Why the desktop? Linux has already conquered the server market. All it needs to do for that portion of its audience is to continue to scale upwards and keep creating incredible, usable servers. What Linux has failed to do yet is to show the world exactly what a desktop can do for the user.
