Feb 14 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Globe and Mail – PC World – ElectricNews.net – TechNewsWorld
all 23 news articles

Feb 14 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
PC World – Globe and Mail – TechNewsWorld – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 14 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
TechNewsWorld – PC World – Globe and Mail – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 14 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
TechNewsWorld – PC World – Globe and Mail – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 14 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
TechNewsWorld – PC World – Globe and Mail – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 13 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
TechNewsWorld – PC World – Globe and Mail – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 13 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
TechNewsWorld – PC World – Globe and Mail – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 13 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
TechNewsWorld – Globe and Mail – PC World – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 13 2009

Bookworm ePub Reader Gets Boost From O’Reilly

stoolpigeon writes in with news that ought to kindle Amazon’s attention: “O’Reilly announced recently that they are now hosting Bookworm, an online ePub reader. ePub is composed of three open standards (OPS, OPF, and OCF) that allow users a great amount of flexibility without any lock-in. Bookworm lets users upload ePub files, read them online from a PC or mobile device, and also export them to mobile devices that support ePub. Bookworm can also export directly to Stanza. Once a user has uploaded their ePub books to Bookworm, they can track progress through them even across multiple devices.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 13 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 11 Feb 2009
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
TechNewsWorld – Globe and Mail – PC World – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles