Feb 13 2009

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones – PC World

PC World

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones
PC World – 10 Feb 2009
Shortcovers — occasionally touted by its makers as "the Kindle Killer" — is set to launch in the coming days as an app for the iPhone, the BlackBerry, and the Android operating system.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones BetaNews
Macworld Canada – TechNewsWorld – Globe and Mail – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 13 2009

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones – PC World

PC World

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones
PC World – 10 Feb 2009
Shortcovers — occasionally touted by its makers as "the Kindle Killer" — is set to launch in the coming days as an app for the iPhone, the BlackBerry, and the Android operating system.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones BetaNews
Globe and Mail – Macworld Canada – TechNewsWorld – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 12 2009

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones – PC World

PC World

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones
PC World – 10 Feb 2009
Shortcovers — occasionally touted by its makers as "the Kindle Killer" — is set to launch in the coming days as an app for the iPhone, the BlackBerry, and the Android operating system.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones BetaNews
Globe and Mail – Macworld Canada – TechNewsWorld – ElectricNews.net
all 23 news articles

Feb 12 2009

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones – PC World

PC World

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones
PC World – 10 Feb 2009
Shortcovers — occasionally touted by its makers as "the Kindle Killer" — is set to launch in the coming days as an app for the iPhone, the BlackBerry, and the Android operating system.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones BetaNews
Macworld Canada – Globe and Mail – TechNewsWorld – New York Daily News
all 23 news articles

Feb 12 2009

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones – PC World

PC World

Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones
PC World – 10 Feb 2009
Shortcovers — occasionally touted by its makers as "the Kindle Killer" — is set to launch in the coming days as an app for the iPhone, the BlackBerry, and the Android operating system.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Shortcovers Turning iPhone into eBook Macworld Canada
BetaNews – Globe and Mail – TechNewsWorld – New York Daily News
all 23 news articles

Feb 12 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 9 hours ago
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones PC World
Globe and Mail – TechNewsWorld – New York Daily News – Gay Socialites
all 21 news articles

Feb 12 2009

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones – BetaNews

PC World

Shortcovers 'Kindle killer' e-reader under way for smartphones
BetaNews – 5 hours ago
by Jacqueline Emigh While hardware makers have failed to produce an "iPhone killer," a major book seller is now readying a software application for iPhone, BlackBerry and other smartphones, that will be marketed as a "Kindle killer.
'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot CNET News
Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones PC World
Globe and Mail – TechNewsWorld – New York Daily News – Gay Socialites
all 21 news articles

Feb 11 2009

'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot – CNET News

PC World

'Kindle killer' Shortcovers covers a lot
CNET News – 57 minutes ago
by Eric Franklin OK, enough with the cuteness. So far I've yet to be personally interested in the Kindle 2. That most likely has to do with the price of the unit.
Kindle's New Challenger Brings E-Books to iPhones PC World
Could Shortcovers Throw Water on the Kindle? TechNewsWorld
Globe and Mail – New York Daily News – TechWhack – Gay Socialites
all 21 news articles

Feb 11 2009

Author’s Guild Says Kindle’s Text-To-Speech Software Illegal

Mike writes “The Author’s Guild claims that the new Kindle’s text-to-speech software is illegal, stating that ‘They don’t have the right to read a book out loud,’ said Paul Aiken, executive director of the Authors Guild. ‘That’s an audio right, which is derivative under copyright law.’ Forget for a moment that text-to-speech doesn’t copy an existing work. And forget the odd notion that the artificial enunciation of plain text is equivalent to a person’s nuanced and emotive reading. The Guild’s claim is that even to read out loud is a production akin to an illegal copy, or a public performance.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 11 2009

Kindle runs into roadblocks outside of US – International Herald Tribune


Kindle runs into roadblocks outside of US
International Herald Tribune – 15 hours ago
By Eric Pfanner PARIS: American readers can already move on to the sequel to Amazon.com's popular electronic book reader, the Kindle.
Review round-up: Amazon Kindle 2 Christian Science Monitor
* Bezos says Kindle focus is for reading guardian.co.uk
BusinessWeek – PC World – Computerworld – PC Magazine
all 1,313 news articles