Sep 30 2009

Vim Syntax Highlighting With .vimrc

I recently had to move all my sites over to a new host due to Lunarpages basically kicking me off. I chose DreamHost because they were having a promotion where I get a full year for $10. One of my coworkers uses them with no complaints and they give free shell access.

Vim is my editor of choice but I hate coding without syntax highlighting and DreamHost doesn’t have Vim Syntax highlighting on by default. It is possible to type “:syntax enable” when already in the editor to enable syntax highlighting on the current file that you’re editing but after closing it and opening another file you will be forced to do it again.

To enable syntax highlighting forever I had to edit the .vimrc file which lives in my home directory. It didn’t exist so I had to create one. After I created this file I added the lines :

syntax enable
set background=dark
set nocompatible
set autoindent
set smartindent
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set showmatch
set ruler
set virtualedit=all

Alternatively you could put ‘background=light’ which will make the colors more readable if your console is black text on a white background. The rest of those lines are just personal preference and put there so I can copy and paste them elsewhere. More info and a great example can be found at this vim site.
