May 5 2009

Apple Rumored To Want To Buy Twitter

OSXGlitch writes “A post on TechCrunch this morning extends the rumor that Apple wants to buy Twitter with part of their massive cash reserve (estimated at nearly B). The Twitterverse is alive with speculation that the price being discussed is 0 million. This goes against reports that Twitter’s founders aren’t interested in selling, and that they estimate the value of the company at around 0 million. Two questions: How do we all feel about the possibility of Apple owning Twitter? And, can Twitter decline an offer that is nearly three times their estimated worth?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


May 5 2009

Apple In Talks With Twitter To Buy It For $700m

Apple and Twitter are in serious negotiations over a possible 0 million sale of the social networking site, with the deal set to be announced in June if successful.The only question is: would it be called Twapple?


May 4 2009

Media can file from inside O'Brien trial – Globe and Mail

Media can file from inside O'Brien trial
Globe and Mail – Daniel Leblanc
OTTAWA – Reporters won the right Monday to live-blog and send instant news stories from their handheld devices during the trial of Ottawa Mayor Larry O'Brien.
Ottawa judge allows courtroom texting from O'Brien trial Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa mayor pleads not guilty to influence peddling.
The Canadian Press – – Metro Canada – Ottawa –
all 106 news articles  Langue : Français

May 4 2009

The F.B.I. is Following You (on Twitter) and Responding

Obviously, someone in the FBI Press Office is tracking references to the agency on Twitter and has the authority to respond.


May 4 2009

White House Joins Facebook, MySpace, Twitter

theodp writes “The official White House Blog called the move WhiteHouse 2.0 as the Obama administration unveiled its membership in a trio of the social-networking leaders: Facebook (157,606 fans and counting), MySpace (174,817 friends and counting) and Twitter (34,612 followers and counting).”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


May 3 2009

Apple Rejects Nine Inch Nails iPhone App

jarrettwold2002 writes “Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails announced via his Twitter account today, ‘Apple rejects the NIN iPhone update because it contains objectionable content. The objectionable content referenced is “The Downward Spiral.”‘ The initial NIN Access iPhone app garnered much fanfare (Wired article, Guardian article) and was approved by Apple. The update has been rejected due to an album reference. If Nine Inch Nails is having problems with censorship and approval what kind of problems are you having with the iPhone app approval process?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


May 2 2009

Twitter Map Tracks Swine Flu Tweets in Real Time

What do you get when you cross swine flu with Twitter, the social networking service much loved (and hated) for its rapid-fire 140-character updates known as tweets? No, it’s not a chatty new virus called Switter.


May 1 2009

Pentagon uses Facebook, Twitter to spread message

FORT MONROE, Va. – You don’t often hear a three-star general using the word “friend” as a verb.


May 1 2009

Hacker: I Broke Into Twitter

A French hacker posts 13 screenshots of a Twitter product manager’s admin interface to prove the claim.


May 1 2009

Twitter mistakes: Top 10 worst ‘tweets’

Twitter, the microblogging phenomenon that’s got everyone hooked from Stephen Fry to Britney Spears, can sometimes lead to big gaffes – as MP Sion Simon found out the hard way. Simon tweeted: “I’m not saying Susan Boyle caused swine flu. I’m just saying that nobody had swine flu, she sang on TV, people got swine flu.
