Krojack writes with this excerpt from Computerworld: “Los Angeles resident Emma Alvarado charged Microsoft with multiple violations of Washington state’s unfair business practices and consumer protection laws over its policy of barring computer makers from continuing to offer XP on new PCs after Vista’s early-2007 launch. Alvarado is seeking compensatory damages and wants the case declared a class-action suit. … Irked at having to pay a fee for downgrading a new Lenovo notebook to XP, Alvarado said that Microsoft had used its position as the dominant operating system maker to ‘require consumers to purchase computers pre-installed with the Vista operating system and to pay additional sums to “downgrade” to the Windows XP operating system.'”

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Microsoft will shove Windows XP into retirement in the next few months by cutting back technical support.
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Unlike Apple, Microsoft doesn’t have to convince users to buy its operating system; that happens automatically when they purchase a new PC. Microsoft only has to keep users from removing Windows 7 and backing down to Windows XP, which typically runs faster on the same hardware due to a variety of factors.

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snydeq writes “Windows XP, Windows Vista, and (soon) Windows 7 all support SMP out of the box, but as InfoWorld’s Randall Kennedy notes, ‘experience has shown that multiprocessing across discrete CPUs is not the same thing as multiprocessing across integrated cores within the same CPU.’ As such, Kennedy set out to stress the multiprocessing capabilities of Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 in dual-core and quad-core performance tests. The comprehensive, multiprocess workload tests were undertaken to document scalability, execution efficiency, and raw performance of workloads. ‘What I found may surprise you,’ Kennedy writes. ‘Not only does Microsoft have a firm grasp of multicore tuning, but its scalability story promises to keep getting better with time. In other words, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are poised to reap ever greater performance benefits as Intel and AMD extend the number of cores in future editions of their processors.'”

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There are a lot of Windows XP users who are hoping Windows 7 is their operating system salvation. Even though it’s pretty obvious that Win7 is more like Vista than XP, but there is still heavy interest from XP users.

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narramissic writes “Doing a download speed test of his Time Warner cable connection, James Gaskin discovered something odd, something that he is quick to note isn’t a rigorous benchmarked lab test. The discovery: His Ubuntu machine ‘returned a rating from the Bandwidth.com test of 22-25mbps over several tests’ while the same test done from a Windows XP PC returned a rating of 12-14mbps. The two computers used in the test are ‘almost identical: both off-lease Compaq small form factor D515s, part of the very popular corporate desktop D500 family. Both have Pentium 4 processors running at 2GHz. The Ubuntu machine has 768MB of RAM, while the XP box has only 512MB of RAM. Both run Firefox 3 as their browser.’ Gaskin’s question: Can a little extra RAM make that much difference in Internet download speeds or does Ubuntu handles networking that much faster than Windows XP?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Comments Off on A tale of two Windows installs – CNET News | tags: google, Mac, microsoft, news, windows 7, windows xp | posted in technical news