Apr 14 2009

Mozilla Mulls Dropping Firefox For Win2K, Early XP

CWmike writes “Mozilla is pondering dropping support for Windows 2000 and Windows XP without Service Pack 3 when it ships the follow-up to Firefox 3.5 in 2010, show discussions on the mozilla.dev.planning forum by developers and Mozilla executives, including the company’s chief engineer and its director of Firefox. ‘Raise the minimum requirements on Gecko 1.9.2 (and any versions of Firefox built on 1.9.2) for Windows builds to require Windows XP Service Pack 3 or higher,’ said Michael Conner, one of the company’s software engineers, to start the discussion. Mozilla is currently working on Gecko 1.9.1, the engine that powers Firefox 3.5, the still-in-development browser the company hopes to release at some point in the second quarter. Gecko 1.9.2, and the successor to Firefox 3.5 built on it — dubbed ‘Firefox.next’ and code named ‘Namoroka’ — are slated to wrap up in ‘early-to-mid 2010,’ according to Mozilla.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 9 2009

Microsoft Ordered To Pay $388 Million In Patent Case

jeffmeden writes “BusinessWeek reports today that Microsoft suffered a loss in federal court Monday. The judge rendering the verdict ordered Microsoft to pay 8 Million in damages for violating a patent held by Uniloc, a California maker of software that prevents people from illegally installing software on multiple computers. Uniloc claims Microsoft’s Windows XP and some Office programs infringe on a related patent they hold. It’s hard to take sides on this one, but one thing is certain: should the verdict hold up, it will be heavily ironic if the extra copies of XP and Office sold due to crafty copy protection end up not being worth 8 million.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 8 2009

Microsoft Ending Mainstream Support For XP

Slatterz writes “Come next week, Microsoft will be in the unusual position of no longer offering mainstream support for its most widely used product. Windows XP will pass another milestone next week on the road to retirement when mainstream support ends on 14 April 2009, over seven years after the OS originally shipped. While the company said that it will continue to provide free security fixes for XP until 2014, any future bugs found in the platform will not be fixed unless customers pay. Windows XP accounts for about 63 percent of all Internet-connected computers, according to March 2009 statistics from Hitslink, while Windows Vista makes up about 24 percent.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 7 2009

XP Reprieve, Downgrade May Continue After Win7

CWmike writes “Gregg Keizer reports that Microsoft acknowledged today it has ‘broadened the options’ for PC makers to continue offering Windows XP as a downgrade from Vista — and potentially even Windows 7. However, the company would not confirm specific reports that HP has been given the green light to sell new PCs with Windows XP Pro pre-installed through the end of April 2010. ‘Windows XP went into semi-retirement in June 2008, when Microsoft stopped selling it at retail and withdrew Windows XP Home from use on all but netbooks, though it allowed XP Professional to be installed as a Vista downgrade. Since then, Microsoft has extended the final date it will sell XP Professional install media to large computer makers and smaller systems builders to July 31, 2009, and May 30, 2009, respectively. Today, Microsoft denied that it had extended the life span of Windows XP, and intimated that those rights were built into the newer operating system — in this case, Vista — and did not expire at some arbitrary date.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 7 2009

Internal Instant Messaging Client / Server Combo?

strongmantim writes “I manage an internal help desk (25-30 people) for a medium-large company in the healthcare industry. We’re looking for an internal, secure, FOSS (if possible) instant messaging / presence awareness client and server combo. Transmission of Protected Health Information is a sensitive issue, so the server has to be able to log any conversations that occur. It is preferred that the client not support outside protocols such as AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc.; if it does, I will have to promulgate and enforce yet one more policy that my techs not connect to them. All of the computers that will connect run Windows XP. The system should be scalable up to ~100 people (in case we decide to include our entire office in the roll-out). Hardware and OS for the server are not an issue. Oh, and one more thing: It has to be free. Suggestions?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Mar 31 2009

Ubuntu Vs. Windows In OpenOffice.org Benchmark

ahziem writes “Ubuntu’s Intrepid Ibex and Redmond’s Windows XP go head-to-head in an OpenOffice.org 3.0 performance smackdown measuring vanilla OpenOffice.org, StarOffice, Go-oo, and Portable OpenOffice.org 3.0. Each platform and edition does well in different tests. Go-oo is known for its proud slogan “Better, Faster, Freer,” but last time with OpenOffice.org 2.4 on Fedora, Go-oo came in fourth place out of four. Slashdot has previously reported Ubuntu beating Vista and Windows 7 in benchmarks, so either XP is faster or this benchmark carries a different weight.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Mar 29 2009

Good-Bye XP. Hello Windows 7

Free support for Windows XP ends on April 14th, and the Windows 7 release candidate arrives in May, coincidence? I don’t think so.


Mar 18 2009

EPIC Urges FTC To Investigate Google Services

snydeq writes “The Electronic Privacy Information Center filed a 15-page complaint asking the FTC to force Google to stop offering online services that collect data until the presence of adequate privacy safeguards is verified. The EPIC also wants Google to disclose all data loss or breach incidents, citing several incidents where data held by Google was at risk, the most recent of which occurred earlier this month with its Google Docs. The EPIC complaint [PDF] also listed other security flaws in Gmail and Google Desktop, a desktop indexing program, and urged Google to donate million to a public fund that will support research into technologies such as encryption, data anonymization and mobile location privacy.” EPIC has raised privacy concerns about Google before, and about Windows XP as well.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Mar 11 2009

10 really useful free Windows system tools

When compiling your essential Windows XP or Vista toolkit, it makes sense to source as many free tools as you possibly can.


Feb 24 2009

1 of 3 Dell Inspiron Mini Netbooks Sold With Linux

christian.einfeldt writes “According to an article in Laptop Magazine on-line, one-third of Dell Inspiron Mini 9s netbooks are sold with the Ubuntu Linux operating system. Dell senior product manager John New attributed the sales volume to the lower price point of the Ubuntu Linux machines. And the return rate of the Ubuntu Linux machines is approximately equal to that of comparable netbooks sold with Microsoft Windows XP. Dell spokesperson Jay Pinkert attriutes the low return rate to Dell’s good communications with its customers, saying ‘We have done a very good job explaining to folks what Linux is.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
