Apr 28 2009

Microsoft’s Pink Smartphone To Rival iPhone On Verizon!!

It’s crazy, we know. Just hours after hearing shockingly believable whispers that Apple’s white-hot iPhone 3G could be sashaying over to Verizon Wireless, in flies a Wall Street Journal report asserting that the suits in Redmond are (also?) in talks with America’s largest carrier. Should be launched next year!!!


Apr 28 2009

OIN Posts Details of Microsoft’s Anti-Tom Tom Patents

number6x writes “LinuxDevices.com is reporting that the Open Invention Network has posted the details of three of the eight patents used by Microsoft in the Tom Tom suit (which Tom Tom settled last month), asking the community for prior art. These patents cover aspects of the FAT file system. You can find them on Post-Issue.org — see numbers 5579517, 5758352, and 6256642. OIN CEO Keith Bergelt believes that these three patents are of tenuous validity and will probably not survive a review. Bergelt believes that there’s a good chance that the USPTO may well invalidate them before the end of the year.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 28 2009

Apple May Bring a Non-iPhone To Verizon Wireless

The Narrative Fallacy writes “According to BusinessWeek, Verizon Wireless is in talks with Apple to distribute two new iPhone-like devices that are not iPhones. (Apple has created prototypes.) AT&T’s contract with Apple, which has not been made public, is believed to cover all models of the iPhone, but only the iPhone. So if Apple builds something that isn’t an iPhone — and perhaps doesn’t even make cellular calls — they won’t be violating their exclusivity contract with AT&T, which runs through at least 2010. One device is a smaller, less expensive calling device described by a person who has seen it as an ‘iPhone lite.’ The other is a media pad, said to be smaller than a Kindle but with a bigger screen, that would let users listen to music, view photos, watch high-definition videos, and make calls over a Wi-Fi connection. (And read books?) Apple could use the prospect of an iPhone-esque device as leverage to prevent Verizon Wireless from introducing the Palm Pre, or at least to delay its introduction on Verizon’s network. ‘The media pad category might go to Verizon,’ said one person who has seen the device. ‘We are talking about a device where people will say, “Damn, why didn’t we do this?” Apple is probably going to define the damn category.'” Reader stevegee58 writes with word that Verizon may be playing both ends against the middle. Marketwatch reports that Microsoft and Verizon are in talks to develop a touch-screen mobile phone that would run on Windows Mobile.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 28 2009

Microsoft Vine To Connect Family, Friends When Crisis Hits

Launching as a private beta on Tue, Vine is designed to keep family and friends in touch when other communication methods are either broken or not particularly efficient. Times of crisis usually involve a breakdown in mobile phone or other key communication infrastructures, and Vine is designed to be as hardy as possible to keep people connected.


Apr 28 2009

Oracle Buy Renews Call To Spin Off OpenOffice.org

ericatcw writes “Some OpenOffice.org insiders say Oracle’s purchase of Sun is reinvigorating the long-stymied push to spin off the open-source project into a 100% independent foundation. Freeing itself from Sun’s (and soon to be Oracle’s) orbit will attract more developers and more vendor support, two perennial problems due to Sun’s tight grip on the project, say supporters, who wonder which foundation model might work best: Mozilla, Apache or Linux. Others prefer to take their chances under Larry Ellison, saying Oracle’s take-no-prisoners salesforce and grudge against Microsoft could benefit OpenOffice.org. Version 3.0 of the Microsoft Office competitor has garnered 50 million downloads in the last six months.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 28 2009

Google To Remove "Inappropriate" Books From Digital Library

Miracle Jones writes “In an interview with Professor (and former Microsoft employee) James Grimmelmann at the New York Law School, who is both setting up an online clearinghouse to discuss the Google book settlement and drafting an amicus brief to inform the court about the antitrust factors surrounding “orphan books,” he revealed that Google will be able to moderate the content of its book scans in the same way that they moderate their YouTube videos, leaving out works that Google deems “inappropriate” from the 7 million library books it has scanned. The Fiction Circus has called for a two-year long rights auction that will ensure that these “inappropriate” titles do not get left behind in the digital era, and that other people who are willing to host and display these books will be able to do so. There is only one week left for authors and publishers to “opt out” of the settlement class and retain their rights or raise objections, and Brewster Kahle’s Internet Archive has been stopped from jumping on board Google’s settlement as a party defendant and receiving the same legal protections that Google will get. A group of authors, including Philip K. Dick’s estate, has tried to delay the settlement for four more months until they get their minds around the issue.” In related news, Google is seeking a 60-day extension to the period in which it’s attempting to contact authors to inform them of their right to opt-out of the terms of the settlement.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 28 2009

Why Digital Medical Records Are No Panacea

theodp writes “As GE, Google, Intel, IBM, Microsoft and others pile into the business of computerized medical files in a stimulus-fueled frenzy, BusinessWeek reminds us that electronic health records have a dubious history. Under the federal stimulus program, hospitals can get several million dollars apiece for tech purchases over the next five years, and individual doctors can receive up to ,000. There’s also a stick: The feds will cut Medicare reimbursement for hospitals and practices that don’t go electronic by 2015. But does the high cost and questionable quality of products currently on the market explain why barely 1 in 50 hospitals have a comprehensive electronic records system, and why only 17% of physicians use any type of electronic records? Joe Bugajski’s chilling The Data Model That Nearly Killed Me suggests that may be the case.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 27 2009

USB-Based NIC Torrents While Your PC Sleeps

jangel sends us to WindowsForDevices.com for news on a prototype device created by researchers from Microsoft and UC San Diego. It’s a USB-based NIC that includes its own ARM processor and flash storage, and can download files or torrent while a host PC is sleeping. As a result, its inventors say, the “Somniloquy” device slashes power usage by up to 50x. The device requires a few tweaks on the host OS side save state before sleeping. The prototype works with a Vista host but the hardware comprising the NIC is based on a Linux stack. Here is the research paper (PDF).

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 27 2009

Windows 7’s Virtual XP Mode a Support Nightmare?

CWmike writes “Microsoft’s decision to let Windows 7 users run Windows XP applications in a virtual machine may have been necessary to convince people to upgrade, but it could also create support nightmares, analysts said today. Gartner analyst Michael Silver outlines the downsides. ‘You’ll have to support two versions of Windows,’ he said. ‘Each needs to be secured, antivirused, firewalled and patched. If a company has 10,000 PCs, that’s 20,000 instances of Windows.’ The other big problem Silver foresees: Making sure the software they run is compatible with Windows 7. ‘This is a great Band-Aid, but companies need to heal their applications,’ Silver said. ‘They’ll be doing themselves a disservice if, because of XPM, they’re not making sure that all their apps support Windows 7.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 27 2009

Linux and less-bloat Netbooks "soften Microsoft’s roar"

“Microsoft’s model is not working anymore,” thundered trade journal InformationWeek. “Netbooks hammer Windows revenues for second straight quarter,” declared Greg Keizer of ComputerWorld, another respected trade weekly. – Also, trying to vendor-lock users to the IE browser by making web-apps that only work well with it, is a “Losing Strategy”.
