Apr 27 2009

Linux Boxee Users Get Hulu Relief

DeviceGuru writes “The Linux version of Boxee’s eponymously-named multimedia platform has finally been updated to include several new features introduced into the OS X and Windows versions over the past few months. Key additions include an App Box and restored support for Hulu, which disappeared several months ago. Still lacking in the latest Linux release, however, is the long-awaited addition of Netflix movie and TV show streaming for subscribers to Netflix’s monthly service.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 26 2009

The Economist On Television Over Broadband

zxjio recommends a pair of articles in The Economist discussing television over broadband, and the effects of DVR use. “Cable-television companies make money by selling packages of channels. The average American household pays 0 a year for over 100 channels of cable television but watches no more than 15. Most would welcome the chance to buy only those channels they want to watch, rather than pay for expensive packages of programming they are largely not interested in. They would prefer greater variety, too — something the internet offers in abundance. A surprising amount of video is available free from websites like Hulu and YouTube, or for a modest fee from iTunes, Netflix Watch Instantly and Amazon Video on Demand. … Consumers’ new-found freedom to choose has struck fear into the hearts of the cable companies. They have been trying to slow internet televisions steady march into the living room by rolling out DOCSIS 3 at a snails pace and then stinging customers for its services. Another favorite trick has been to cap the amount of data that can be downloaded, or to charge extortionately by the megabyte. Yet the measures to suffocate internet television being taken by the cable companies may already be too late. A torrent of innovative start-ups, not seen since the dot-com mania of a decade ago, is flooding the market with technology for supplying internet television to the living room.” And from the second article on DVR usage patterns: “Families with DVRs seem to spend 15-20% of their viewing time watching pre-recorded shows, and skip only about half of all advertisements. This means only about 5% of television is time-shifted and less than 3% of all advertisements are skipped. Mitigating that loss, people with DVRs watch more television. … Early adopters of DVRs used them a lot — not surprisingly, since they paid so much for them. Later adopters use them much less (about two-thirds less, according to a recent study).”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 24 2009

Gamefly Complains of Poor Treatment From USPS

Gamefly, the popular video game rental service that operates through the mail, has filed a complaint with the Postal Regulatory Commission about the high number of games that are lost or stolen in the mail. The complaint (PDF) asserts that the postal service’s automated sorting machines have a tendency to break a small percentage of discs, and that preferential treatment is given to DVD rental services like Netflix and Blockbuster. “According to Gamefly’s numbers, it mails out 590,000 games and receives 510,000 games back from subscribers a month. The company sees, depending on the mailer, between one and two percent of its games broken in transit. … Even if you assume the number is one percent, and a game costs to replace, that’s an astounding 5,000 a month in lost merchandise. … That’s not the only issue — games are also stolen in transit, which has lead to the arrest of 19 Postal Service employees.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 9 2009

Netflix loves/hates Linux

When I logged on to the Netflix site today, it offered a film about Linux. One problem the movie can’t be viewed in Linux.


Mar 26 2009

Blockbuster OnDemand Comes To TiVo

MojoKid writes “Netflix isn’t the only company that sees that streaming is the future of movie rental distribution. Blockbuster, which always seems to be playing catch-up with Netflix, will start making its on-demand rental and purchase content available on TiVo DVRs. Blockbuster OnDemand has only been available as a streaming service on Windows PCs or streaming to TVs via the 2Wire MediaPoint device. Meanwhile, Netflix streaming is available on far more platforms, such as on Windows and Mac computers, TiVo, the Roku Digital Video Player, LG and Samsung Blu-ray players, the Xbox 360, as well as a number of video portal software applications, like Boxee and ZeeVee’s Zinc. Blockbuster’s partnership with TiVo is yet another indication of the coming revolution of on-demand media available to TVs — that is, if the revolution hasn’t already started.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Mar 15 2009

Netflix Throttling Instant Video Streaming

rsk writes “For the last few weeks I’ve been experiencing terrible streaming video performance from Netflix on both my Xbox 360 and PC. While my Xbox 360 would at least stream at a lower resolution, my PC cannot seem to avoid 2-hr. buffering times before playback even started. I smelled shenanigans and started digging. With some help finding the debug menu for the streaming video player, I set out to figure out why playback was so slow. It seems that Netflix is significantly throttling Watch Instantly users (on the PC) down to an unusable cap — in my case, 48 kbps — on a per-connection basis.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Mar 14 2009

Blockbuster Total Access Unannounced Policy Change

NuclearCodeMonkey writes “Blockbuster Total Access has changed the terms of its user agreement without notice to users. Previously, users could return online (mailed) rentals in-store for free rentals. The next set of online rentals was immediately mailed out. Now, without notice, they have changed their policy so that the in-store free exchanges count against you, and no more online rentals are mailed out until the in-store rentals are returned. No wonder they are closing stores and losing to Netflix! Needless to say I am canceling my account in protest.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Mar 1 2009

Uproar Over Netflix’s New Instant Viewer

almechist writes “Many Netflix customers are up in arms over the new instant-watch player powered by Microsoft’s Silverlight. The official Netflix blog is full of complaints from users who decry not only the new player’s quality but also the way it’s being distributed, with many claiming they were deceived into downloading it. Once you opt for the new player, the old Windows Media based player won’t function, not on any computer associated with the account. The new player is supposedly still beta, but NF members are strongly encouraged (some say tricked) by NF into the so-called ‘upgrade,’ which is permanent — there is no way to opt out. The marked decrease in video quality seen by those who have switched is perhaps not surprising, since the old player could utilize bit streams up to twice as fast as the new one, but this information is nowhere given out by NF. So far NF has been answering all complaints with variations on ‘tough luck pal, you’re stuck with it,’ but many customers are so disgusted they’re ready to cancel their NF membership. This could be a public relations disaster in the making for Netflix.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 23 2009

Netflix CEO: we’ll offer streaming-only plan by 2010

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings expects the company to offer streaming-only subscription plans by 2010, as the company prepares itself for an expected transition away from physical DVD media.


Feb 21 2009

Netflix To Offer Streaming-Only Service Plans

MojoKid writes “Debates are raging as to what the future of movie distribution will look like. There are those who claim that physical discs like DVDs, Blu-ray, and whatever format will eventually supplant Blu-ray will always deliver a superior viewing experience versus anything that will be available via streaming. Pundits on the other side of the debate, say that as broadband’s footprint continues to expand and quality is improving. Interestingly, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings is siding firmly with the latter camp and it would even appear that Netflix is gearing up to move all of its eggs from the mail-distribution basket to the online streaming basket. Hastings indicated that perhaps as soon as later this year or sometime in 2010, Netflix might start offering online-streaming-only subscription plans beyond just its current Starz plan.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
