Apr 19 2009

MySpace Fires Employee After Data Breach

“On Monday, workers for the social networking site learned of a data breach orchestrated by a fellow employee, who collected names, Social Security numbers and compensation information of many of his co-workers.”


Apr 19 2009

Anonymous Network I2P 0.7.2 Released

Mathiasdm writes “The Invisible Internet Project, also known as I2P, has seen its 0.7.2 release (download). I2P uses multiple encryption layers, and routing through several other computers to hide both sender and receiver of messages. On top of the network, regular services such as mail, browsing, file sharing and chatting are supported. This release (and all of the releases since 0.7) is at the start of a new development period, in which the I2P developers wish to spread the word about the secure network. This new release includes performance improvements, a first edition of an experimental new desktop interface and security improvements (by limiting the number of tunnels a single peer can participate in).”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 19 2009

Durban II parallel forum opens in Geneva – Jerusalem Post


Durban II parallel forum opens in Geneva
Jerusalem Post
By AMIR MIZROCH A parallel meeting to Durban II which was organized by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the International Coordinating Network on Palestine and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Committee, kicked off at a Geneva
Israel slur fear forces boycott The Australian
Britain isolated amid UN racism summit boycott Telegraph.co.uk
Reuters India – ABC Online – guardian.co.uk – Reuters
all 1,544 news articles

Apr 19 2009

Why There’s No iTunes For Movies

theodp writes “Slate’s Farhad Manjoo would gladly pay a hefty monthly fee for immediate access to recent movies and TV shows — if someone would just take his money. In reality, he pays nothing because no company sells such a plan, and instead resorts to getting his programming from the friendly BitTorrent network.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 18 2009

ISP Speeds Up Customers’ BitTorrent Downloads

There are many ways for ISPs to manage the increased load BitTorrent traffic places on their network.


Apr 18 2009

Why Is Connectivity So Cheap In Stockholm?

lpress writes “Symmetric, 100 Mbps service in Stockholm costs /month. Conditions in every city are different, but part of the explanation for the low cost is that the city owns a municipal fiber network reaching every block. They lease network access to anyone who would like to offer service. The ISPs, including incumbent telephone and cable companies, compete on an equal footing.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 17 2009

Pirate Bay Trial Ends In Jail Sentences

myvirtualid writes “The Globe and Mail reports that the Pirate Bay defendants were each sentenced Friday to one year in jail. According to the article, ‘Judge Tomas Norstrom told reporters that the court took into account that the site was “commercially driven” when it made the ruling. The defendants have denied any commercial motives behind the site.’ The defendants said before the verdict that they would appeal if they were found guilty. ‘Stay calm — Nothing will happen to TPB, us personally or file sharing whatsoever. This is just a theater for the media,’ Mr. Sunde said Friday in a posting on social networking site Twitter.” Update: 04/17 12:16 GMT by T : Several updates, below.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Apr 17 2009

Quebec crackdown on Hells Angels sends message to bikers across Canada – Edmonton Sun


Quebec crackdown on Hells Angels sends message to bikers across Canada
Edmonton Sun
By ANDREW HANON, Sun Media The decimation of Quebec's once-feared Hells Angels will send ripples of fear through Alberta's chapters, says an expert in outlaw biker gangs.
Massive police raids target Quebec, NB Hells Angels CBC.ca
Bloc wants to see the Hells Angels outlawed National Post
CJAD – The Gazette (Montreal) – Canada.com – CBC.ca
all 231 news articles

Apr 16 2009

Hells Angels raids 'dismantle' biker gang in Quebec: police – CBC.ca


Hells Angels raids 'dismantle' biker gang in Quebec: police
Quebec provincial police officers guard the entrance of a Hells Angels' bunker in Sorel, Que. (Alain Roberge/Canadian Press/Montreal La Presse) A stunning police sweep that targeted high-ranking Hells Angels members in Quebec and New Brunswick has
SharQc takes bite out of Hells Angels The Gazette (Montreal)
25 Angels still at large in Que. Ottawa Citizen
National Post – CJAD – St. Catharines Standard – CBC.ca
all 232 news articles

Apr 16 2009

Letter to Mulroney not completely truthful, Schreiber says – CBC.ca


Letter to Mulroney not completely truthful, Schreiber says
Karlheinz Schreiber admitted a letter he wrote to Brian Mulroney contained some mistruths because he needed his help with Stephen Harper initiate a public inquiry into a "vendetta" against himself and the former prime minister.
Schreiber wrote Mulroney 'letter of comfort' in 2006 CTV.ca
Schreiber tried to "activate" Mulroney a decade after paying The Canadian Press
National Post – Calgary Herald – Winnipeg Sun – Globe and Mail
all 310 news articles  Langue : Français