Feb 25 2009

How To Be A Geek Goddess

stoolpigeon writes “The geek world is dominated by those of the male persuasion. For those of us working in a technology related field, or who spend a considerable amount of time pursuing high tech leisure, we usually find women to be in the minority. I’ve seen considerable discussion over the years on how to change this imbalance but I think it is safe to say that right now that it remains. Many women are interested in using technology, they just don’t want to dive in to quite the same depth. Or they may not be interested in the way most men approach it. Columnist and tech-writer Christina Tynan-Wood has attempted to come to their rescue with her book How To Be A Geek Goddess.” Read below for the rest of JR’s review.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 25 2009

Functional Neurons Created From Adult Somatic Cells

mmmscience writes “Researchers at UCLA have accomplished a task that has long vexed stem cell researchers: They’ve created the first electronically active neurons from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. This is a great leap forward for stem cell researchers, who can apply these neurons to the study of neurodegenerative diseases.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 25 2009

How To Handle Corporate Blackmail?

An anonymous reader writes “I have been in a software engineering position at a large company for approximately seven years. Recently, for a variety of reasons, I accepted a new job working for a local software company. I have given my employer three weeks’ notice, instead of the standard two, as a courtesy. In return, it has been implied that, in spite my record of above-average performance appraisals and promotions, I will be marked as leaving the company ‘on bad terms’ if I refuse to extend my departure date further. With only three weeks remaining, I am hesitant to rock the boat by contacting our HR department, but this concerns me and seems like an extremely unethical practice. I live in an ‘at-will’ employment state, so I know that they have no legal recourse to keep me. I am concerned about the references they could give in the future; having spent a large majority of my career at this company, I will be dependent on them for references to verify my career experience. Has anyone ever run into this kind of situation before?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 25 2009

New, Stealthy Conficker B++ Worm Discovered

nandemoari writes “A new variant of the Conficker/Downadup worm has been detected. The worm opens a backdoor on an infected machine and allows hackers remote control of infected PCs. Dubbed Conficker B++ (and not to be confused with Conficker B), the new variant of the worm opens a backdoor with auto-update functionality, allowing a hacker to distribute malware to infected machines. It’s difficult to know exactly how long Conficker B++ has been circulating, but researchers first noticed it on February 6 of this year.” If this seems familiar to you, it probably is.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 25 2009

Jurassic Web

theodp writes “It wasn’t so long ago, but Slate’s Farhad Manjoo notes that The Internet of 1996 is almost unrecognizable compared with what we have today. No YouTube, Digg, Huffington Post, Gawker, Google, Twitter, Facebook, or Wikipedia. In 1996, Americans with Internet access spent fewer than 30 minutes a month surfing the Web and were paying for the Internet by the hour. Today, Nielsen says we spend about 27 hours a month online (present company excepted, of course!).” I thought in 1996 all we did was idle in IRC channels while we wrote code in other terminals.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Feb 25 2009

Meet Microsoft's New Secure Browser Model : Gazelle – ITProPortal

Ars Technica

Meet Microsoft's New Secure Browser Model : Gazelle
You can't download it yet but Microsoft's new browser prototype, called Gazelle, could well be the software giant's answer to both Google domination and Hackers's threat.
Internet Explorer hits speed bumps Computerworld
Google offers EU help to nail Vole Inquirer
Enews 2.0 – New York Times – PC World – CNET News
all 278 news articles  Langue : Français

Feb 25 2009

Ryerson privacy breach highlights immature IT, analyst says – IT World Canada Blogs


Ryerson privacy breach highlights immature IT, analyst says
IT World Canada Blogs
Whether the university's software glitch will lead to actual identity theft remains to be seen, but that hasn’t stopped one industry analyst from chastising the school’s slow response.
Glitch bares Ryerson students' information Toronto Star
Ryerson software error exposes students personal information Digital Home
The Eyeopener – The Canadian Press – Canada.com – CityNews
all 44 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Chlorine evacuation order has been lifted – Canada.com

CTV British Columbia

Chlorine evacuation order has been lifted
An evacuation order in the northern town of Mackenzie prompted by a chlorine dioxide leak over the weekend has been lifted, an town official said Monday.
Mackenzie residents going home after spill of chemicals Globe and Mail
Evacuation lifted after chlorine dioxide leak at mothballed BC The Canadian Press
CJDC – Energeticcity.ca – Lesprom Network – Opinion250 News
all 49 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Google, Amazon, others want CRTC to ban internet interference – CBC.ca


Google, Amazon, others want CRTC to ban internet interference
By Paul Jay, CBC News A coalition of more than 70 technology companies, including internet search leader Google, online retailer Amazon and voice over internet provider Skype, is calling on the CRTC to ban internet service providers from "traffic
The CRTC isn’t just a nuisance now, it’sa real threat Macleans.ca
Net Neutrality: tell CRTC what you think p2pnet.net
CP24, Canada – Georgia Straight – The Kingston Whig-Standard – Tech Media Reports (subscription)
all 12 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Canadian firms lead in adopting cloud computing – IT World Canada Blogs

Canadian firms lead in adopting cloud computing
IT World Canada Blogs
Canadian IT decision makers are more informed about cloud computing than their global counterparts and local organizations lead the world in adopting the technology, according to a recent survey of large enterprise firms.
Fear and Loathing of Cloud Computing eWeek
Global Study: Cloud Computing Provides Real Business Benefits, but MSNBC
WTN News – iTWire
all 11 news articles