Feb 25 2009

Canadian firms lead in adopting cloud computing – IT World Canada Blogs

Canadian firms lead in adopting cloud computing
IT World Canada Blogs
Canadian IT decision makers are more informed about cloud computing than their global counterparts and local organizations lead the world in adopting the technology, according to a recent survey of large enterprise firms.
Fear and Loathing of Cloud Computing eWeek
Global Study: Cloud Computing Provides Real Business Benefits, but MSNBC
WTN News – iTWire
all 11 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Indigo launches e-book service – Globe and Mail

Indigo launches e-book service
Globe and Mail
Canada's largest book retailer, Indigo Books and Music, moves aggressively into the burgeoning e-book market tomorrow with the launch of its Shortcovers service.
Shortcovers set to launch tonight Quill & Quire
Kindle 2 is Now Available Dealerscope
all 4 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Rumor: PSP 2 to Ditch UMD – IGN

Ars Technica

Rumor: PSP 2 to Ditch UMD
by Scott Lowe February 25, 2009 – We've seen our fair share of pre-product announcement rumors, but the PSP 2 is well on its way to rivaling the iPhone in terms of the frequency and volume of speculative buzz.
Read all 'PSP-4000' posts in Crave CNET News
Playstation Portable hits 50 million units TG Daily
CVG Online – Digital Spy – I4U – The Tech Herald
all 209 news articles  Langue : Français

Feb 25 2009

BCIT receives $1 million donation – News1130

BCIT receives million donation
BURNABY (NEWS1130) – BCIT has received a million donation to help build the Rivers Institute at the school. Rudy North of Vancouver is the generous benefactor.
BC Institute of Technology creates Rivers Institute Georgia Straight
The Rivers Institute at BCIT-A First of Its Kind in British Columbia MSNBC
all 5 news articles

Feb 25 2009

The future of sporty is small – Metro Canda – Edmonton

The future of sporty is small
Metro Canda – Edmonton
Going down the gears as I shot uphill in my Fiat 500 Abarth, I realized that I was enjoying the future of sporty driving. The 500 is a very cool city car, but get this 135 bhp racing version boosted by Fiat’s performance division and it becomes real
Fiat 500 gets a sporting boost expressandstar.com
Fiat 500 Abarth Kerala Online
all 8 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Prince of Persia Review: No One Here Gets Out Dead – Washington Post

PC World

Prince of Persia Review: No One Here Gets Out Dead
Washington Post
Ubisoft Montreal's multi-platform Prince of Persia (Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) undergoes a brilliantly intrepid makeover.
Prince of Persia GameIndustry.com
Prince of Persia Epilogue DLC Trailer Released Gametactics
all 6 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Ad strategy at root of Facebook privacy row: Eric Auchard – Reuters


Ad strategy at root of Facebook privacy row: Eric Auchard
By Eric Auchard LONDON (Reuters) – Social networking phenomenon Facebook has beaten out arch-rival and former market leader MySpace by most measures of popularity, except the one that pays the bills.
Are Twitter, Facebook Health Hazards? CBS News
Facebook and MySpace are 'most popular places to find love' Telegraph.co.uk
BBC News – Washington Post – New York Daily News – ZDNet
all 149 news articles

Feb 25 2009

Microsoft says no new cost cuts, shares hit 11-year low – Reuters


Microsoft says no new cost cuts, shares hit 11-year low
By Jim Finkle BOSTON (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp outlined plans to offset revenue declines as the PC market shifts to low-cost netbooks, but it failed to announce more cost cuts, sending its shares to an 11-year low.
Windows Mobile 6.5 — Obsolete Already? PC World
Microsoft’s Ballmer sees more Google, Apple rivalry Business Mirror
CNET News – Financial Times – Techtree.com – TrustedReviews
all 425 news articles  Langue : Français

Feb 25 2009

War of the browsers again – Business Standard

San Francisco Chronicle

War of the browsers again
Business Standard
With Apple announcing the public beta version of Safari 4, and claiming that it is “the world’s fastest and most innovative web browser for Mac and Windows PCs”, the war of the browsers appears to have started again in cyberspace.
Apple Safari 4 Beta a Major Step Forward, eWEEK Labs Finds eWeek
Apple's Safari 4 underdelivers on community CNET News
PC Magazine – Techtree.com – ZDNet – MyADSL
all 274 news articles  Langue : Français

Feb 25 2009

After NASA's carbon observatory crashes, scientists ask, 'What's … – New York Times

Washington Post

After NASA's carbon observatory crashes, scientists ask, 'What's
New York Times
By LAUREN MORELLO, ClimateWire Nine years of work disappeared in five minutes yesterday when a NASA satellite crashed into the icy waters near Antarctica.
Carbon project backfires The Australian
Satellite hopes crash to earth WA today
Times Online – Washington Post – Christian Science Monitor – International Herald Tribune
all 1,170 news articles