An IBM-Sun merger is a tantalyzing possibility; snydeq writes “Fatal Exception’s Neil McAllister suggests that an IBM/Sun merger could crown Big Blue king of enterprise software development. ‘Acquiring Sun would make IBM the clear leader in Java, as it would become the caretaker of the open source reference implementation of the JRE,’ which, along with GlassFish, would become entry-level gateways to IBM’s WebSphere stack. Moreover, MySQL would give IBM’s database division a significant entry-level hook, and NetBeans/Eclipse would unify IBM’s front against Visual Studio. ‘All in all, this move would solidify IBM’s role as “the developer company,”‘ McAllister writes. ‘In other words, if this merger goes through and you’re an enterprise developer and you’re not an IBM customer now, get ready — because you soon will be. Better bring your wallet.'” And blackbearnh writes with a short interview with Brian Aker (who came to Sun as MySQL’s director of architecture, and is now the lead for MySQL fork Drizzle) about what life would be like under Big Blue’s control.
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In the overview below we present some of the most useful and most popular MySQL Admin and Development Tools for Mac, Windows and Linux, for beginners and for professionals. Among other tools we feature phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, HeidiSQL and SequelPro.
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Catalyst writes “SWFScan is a free Flash security tool (download here), released by HP Software, which decompiles all versions of Flash and scans them for over 60 security vulnerabilities. The scan detects things like XSS, SQL inside of the Flash app, hard-coded authentication credentials, weak encryption, insecure function calls, cross-domain privilege escalation, and violations of Adobe’s security recommendations. There is also this video explaining a real, and amusing, attack against a Flash app. These issues are fairly widespread, with over 35% of SWF applications violating Adobe security advice.”
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ruphus13 writes “Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz continues to promote the use of Open Source, and says the downturn in the economy will only boost the momentum behind FOSS. From his post, ‘Free and open source software is sweeping across the vast majority of the Fortune 500. When you see the world’s most conservative companies starting to deploy open source, you know momentum is on your side. That’s creating massive opportunity for those of us who have pioneered the market, to drive commercial opportunities… We announced just last week that we’re building the Sun Cloud, atop open source platforms — from ZFS and Crossbow, to MySQL and Glassfish. By building on open source, we’re able to avoid proprietary storage and networking products, alongside proprietary software.'” In related news, the Sun-IBM deal proposed last week has been called “anti-competitive” by a tech industry group, while others are speculating on how it could affect Linux and Java.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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Because I use auto-increment integers in almost every table I can for the primary key, they tend to get very large very fast. This can sometimes be an annoying problem when I’m debugging an application or testing a mysql database query. They are resetable and it’s so much quicker to select from the database when you’re checking for id=3 or id=25 then id=305678.
The query to reset the auto increment primary id of your choosing is :
It is also possible to set the next auto_increment number
You can do it like this :
SET insert_id=5;
Now your next mysql_insert_id() will be 5.
4 comments | tags: computers, database, mysql, sql, technical knowledge | posted in problems and solutions, reference
There are several ways to backup MySQL data. In this article we’ll look at how to backup your databases using different methods, we will also learn how to achieve an automatic backup solution to make the process easier.
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stoolpigeon writes “My past as a DBA probably makes me a bit biased, but the reaction I’ve seen the most when a database application isn’t performing as well as would be liked seems to focus on the database side of things. The search for a solution usually seems to center around tuning db parameters, the building (or removal) of indexes and, if the budget allows, throwing hardware at the problem. In their new work, Refactoring SQL Applications, Faroult and L’Hermite bring a much wider range of options to the table. There is a lot in this little book for the developer charged with fixing an existing application and I think a lot of good information that could save one from making a number of headache-inducing mistakes on a new application.” Keep reading for the rest of JR’s review.
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mjasay writes “At the Mobile World Congress, Steve Ballmer took aim at Apple’s closed iPhone ecosystem with an ironic plea for openness: ‘Openness is central because it’s the foundation of choice.’ Ballmer has apparently forgotten his company’s own efforts to vertically integrate hardware and software (Zune, XBox), its history of vertically integrating software (tying SharePoint into Office, IE, SQL Server, Active Directory, etc.), as well as years of illegally tying Windows to Internet Explorer that only the US Justice Department could undo. Indeed, Microsoft’s effect on the browser market has pushed Mozilla to get involved in a recent European Commission action against the software giant, with Mozilla’s Mitchell Baker recently declaring that ‘A number of illegal activities were also involved in creating IE’s market dominance,’ now requiring government intervention to open up the browser market to fair competition. Putting aside Microsoft’s own tainted reputation in the field of openness, is Ballmer right? Should Apple open up its iPhone platform to outside competition, both in terms of hardware and software?”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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